Sunday, August 07, 2011

Project 365... 2011: Week 32

I'm back with pictures! :)  I actually missed my first week in I dont know how long last week.  I just kept forgetting to take pictures, plus life just wasnt exciting, so I ended up with like 2 days of pictures & thought it wasnt worth posting... but I remembered this week & I'm back in the game...

Sunday - July 31 - Lazy Dog Days of summer.... I ended up staying in my PJ's all day long.  My doggies were all about being lazy too.  But I had to laugh when Buffy, our yellow lab, came up & laid right on top of Sydney, our Aussie.  SOMEONE was wanting attention :)

Monday - August 1 - New Polish ... I got this polish & thought it would be too bright on my hands, but LOVE it on my toes.  I may have to put it on my fingers though because the color is amazing!!! :)

Tuesday - August 2 - Painting Props ... I had a senior session coming up on Thursday & wanted to add a little fun to it.  So I went to Hobby Lobby & picked up these cut outs & painted them.  I love when I get to pull out paint brushes....

Wednesday - August 3 -mmm... good! ... I made some chicken parmasean tonight for dinner.  The first time I even made my own breading to put on the chicken.  It was delish!  I really do enjoy cooking when I have the time.  Who knew it could be so fun! ... I also made a chocolate pudding pie.  It didnt turn out "pretty" but it sure tasted good!

Thursday - August 4 - Senior Shoot .... I got to meet up with this beautiful athlete for some senior portraits.  We are doing it in 2 sessions.  This night, we focused on her sports & met at the track & even got into her gym for some more basketball pictures.  So much fun!  We're meeting up later next week for her "pretty pictures" - I cant wait to snap away more of this gorgeous gal!

Friday - August 5 - The Backyard Dancers .... We have a program at church on the first Friday of every month called "The Backyard" - its adorable & such a smart way to reach the kids.  I'm blessed enough to get to be a part of it by singing at the beginning with 2 other awesome ladies.  We are also accompanied by this group of amazing young kiddos who do dances to the songs & get the kids in the audience to join along.  It is just so much fun!  Look at these faces... wouldnt you follow their dance moves too?

Saturday - August 6 - No Computer = outisde more.... our router was down & there was no internet access in my home.  I had done edited pictures the night before so I was just kinda like "the old days" :)  I ended up knitting most of the day & sitting outside & reading when the sun went down.  Not too bad to get outside & enjoy the beautiful creation more often.

Hope your week has had beautiful moments to capture....


  1. My baking is rarely pretty, but it can be tasty. I prefer the latter!

    Love the track star photo! You're good!

  2. you just reminded me that my son has his senior pictures coming up...I think I am in denial for sure!

    that sunset is all the pink!

  3. what - are you crazy adding more photos!! that's gonna cost you upwards of $239 now :D

    I love that track portrait. You are really doing some professional work.

    It took me a while to realize the senior thing was not referring to "senior citizens" LOL

  4. love love the nail polish color...
    Yummy meal also..

    thanks for all of the kind words and thoughts on my blog..

  5. The nail polish looks great - I might have to try some bright pink next summer (don't think I'll be painting my toenails again this summer). And boy that chicken looks yummy too!

    I need to go check out the senior pics on your photo blog...

  6. I love how your photography is progressing...beautiful pics, Rebecca!

    Hope you have a great week!

  7. Great senior pic! No wonder she hired you! The doggy photo cracked me up.

  8. I need you to follow me around and shoot a few "pretty pictures" of me. If I want to be in a photo, I have to beg someone to take it and then I pose for it. Yes, I have to "fake it".

  9. Absolutely fantastic pictures. too bad you don't live in my parts.

  10. I LOVE making my own bread crumbs. They are SO much better for you than the ones that you get in the store. There are so many additives in those. And the ones you make yourself are so much yummier too. you can make them with just the right seasoning for you. MMMMM..... Chocolate Pie ~~ doesn't have to be pretty =)

    Those pics are SO good!!! You are really good RJ!!

    Love you friend ~~ have a Blessed evening ~~ Dawn

  11. I was laughing when you said rest.. I am not sure what that is right now.. I hope to get some.. It was a ruff night last night.. Today okay but he is sleeping which means no sleep for me.. I hope you have a great night..


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