Friday, July 25, 2014

Five on Friday

1. Jolly Ranchers


I haven't had jolly ranchers in forever.  They remind me of my grandmother.  When I was little & I would go to the nursery/kindergarten that my aunt owned & my grandmother worked at, during nap time, she'd take me over to the 5/10 store (which doesn't even exist anymore... I'm old....) & she'd get me watermelon Jolly Ranchers.  When my grandmother passed away, I put watermelon Jolly Ranchers in with her.  Never know how long that trip to heaven is - she may have needed them :)

But can we talk about how horribly disgusting the blue flavored jolly rancher is? 

I tried one the other day & I thought I was going to puke.  The worst part?  The flavor doesn't EVER leave your mouth.  I kept eating everything & drinking everything to get the taste out of my mouth... nope.... that disgusting flavor of death lingers.  Those things should be banned.

2. The Royals

I can't believe that Prince George is 1 year old.  How precious is he?  I think he looks so much like his daddy... & yes, I remember when William turned 1 year old & those photo sessions of him on the lawn with Diana & Charles.  I can never get enough on William, Kate & George.  Such a fairy tale come to life.

I'm also loving the Queen showing a little 'umph' with her photo bombing some selfies.  Good to see she's not 100% stuffy... maybe just 98%?

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3.   Dolls in your yard?

Dolls Resembling Young Girls Placed Outside Their Homes in California
no no no no no no no no no AND no

Did you hear about the lady in California who was putting porcelain dolls in the front yards of people....

& it gets even worse...

& the dolls look like the little girls that live in the house!!!


I'm sorry - porcelain dolls freak me out anyways.
If I were to walk out & see one on my lawn that looked like me, I'd run inside & never come back out... ever... again...

4.  I'm walking

As of today, I am 9 days of getting over 10,000 steps on my FitBit.
I've become obsessed with trying to hit the 10,000 mark every day & can't believe I've made it 9 days in a row.
I usually leave work at 4:00pm & have only had like 1,500 steps.  That is sad. And so bad for your body to sit like that all day.
So I've been moving every hour at work, adding in more walking at night when my work outs are more strength training, I've been moving...

I'm excited to see how many days in a row I can go.

5. Michael Jackson

I have always been 'iffy' on Michael Jackson's songs, either love them or hate them, but his new one they released, "Love Never Felt so Good" - I so love that song.  It makes me depressed that it's on car commercial though.  So not a Michael Jackson thing to do.
But I think this song reminds me of his old stuff.  It's so catchy.
Plus, Justin Timberlake?
He can never do wrong in my eyes...

Linking up with the ladies at Hey Friday!
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  1. Congrats on your fitbit stats! 10,000 steps sounds like so much! I hope you can keep up your streak ;) I haven't had jolly ranchers in forever, but I have to admit, I think I DO like the blue ones :) haha Happy Friday!

  2. Is it weird I often hear Dorthy Gayle in your words? "never come back out ,ever... again" Yep, there is not place like home Rebecca Jo! :-)
    Loved the video, really love Justin!!
    Have a great weekend


  3. Is it weird I often hear Dorthy Gayle in your words? "never come back out ,ever... again" Yep, there is not place like home Rebecca Jo! :-)
    Loved the video, really love Justin!!
    Have a great weekend


  4. Saying hi from the linkup! I'm glad I'm not the only one that love the little Royal family! Prince George is just soo cute!

  5. I just read about those dolls this morning. Um..... weirdness.

    I don't know if I've ever had the blue kind. What flavor is it supposed to be? I hate the watermelon ones. Gag.

    P.S. You may want to check out my post today... wink, wink

  6. Oh yeah, jolly ranchers! Those photo bombing selfies, so funny.

  7. I haven't had a jolly rancher in forever!! I have forgotten how amazing they are - but I like the blue flavor...I heard the story about the dolls this morning - how creepy!! And if the queen photo bombed me I'd be so happy lol! Hope you have a great weekend!

  8. The dolls would FREAK.ME.OUT. Love the Queen bein' all hip : ) I'm a little obsessed with the Wills, Kate, and George too. Enjoy your weekend!

  9. I really need to get a fitbit.....ummmmmm seriously what is going on with those porcelain dolls that is beyond creepy!

  10. omg those dolls - NO. just no. they're SO creepy. i can't even stand the pictures of them!

    Vodka and Soda

  11. Don't think I've ever tried a blue Jolly Rancher but will stay away from them! And porcelain dolls creep me out too! I would be scared to see how many few steps I take at work. I often spend my lunch break at my bad!


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