Thursday, September 03, 2015

Thankful Thursday {Link up #35}

Thankful Thursday

"Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude"
~Winnie The Pooh

This week I am thankful for:

... runs that helps me work out stress in a healthy way. 

... my new little canvas I got for my living room from TJ Maxx.  $7.99!  What a bargain!  I think this says it all, especially on Thankful Thursday

... seeing a baby bump picture from my friend in Colorado on Instagram.  I'm so excited for her & her husband & the new big sister!

... good books that you don't want to end.

... steamed broccoli with cheese.  Healthy food with a touch of happiness.

... I am down 18 lbs so far since starting the 21 Day fix!!!  (which is more like the 3 month fix so far)  I'm averaging about 1 lb a week, but that's what the doctor told me is best so I'm not complaining.  I know with my size it's not even something you can see a lot yet... but I'll get where I want to be.  Count on that!

... on the back end of that - I am thankful I got in a pair of shorts that at the beginning of summer, I couldn't even get close to buttoning.


... Harvey survived his grooming.  I so worry about that little trouble maker.

... going to a new church with friends... & seeing familiar faces while we were there!  That always makes it easier to be in a new place when you see people that you know.

... Finding little coffee shops around my work.  I'm making it a regular thing to stop on Friday's & celebrate the hard week of work.  & I like finding these cute little places & help in supporting local businesses.

What are you Thankful for this week?


  1. congrats on your weight loss and running your stress away. I'm trying to be better about taking my walks/runs instead of letting the stress eat me away (or more like feed my stress). love that canvas! what a great find! This week I'm thankful for Kindle time. I got to finish another good book this week! Trish - tales from trish

  2. Running is so great for stress management! And thanks for the book recommendation :) I'm starting to gather books together for vacation reading.

  3. That canvas is adorable! What a good reminder to see every day! :)
    Congrats on the weight loss! That is awesome, friend! You're doing it the healthy way!!! :)

  4. 18 pounds! Congrats - get it girl - that is awesome!

    Love the sign you got! So cute!

  5. So excited to start that book now! I'm trying to finish the book I'm reading now (I'm over 90% done!) and maybe finish my last one for the book challenge then I'm starting it! Woohoo for those shorts fitting now! That's the best feeling!

  6. Congratulations on the weight loss!!! That's really important :) And even if we don't see it, you at least know it's there. By the way, congratulations for winning the contest over at running with spoons :)

    liz jo @ sundays with sophie

  7. Ok love the true! And I also love my broccoli with some cheese!!! The best!!

  8. OHHH I love to hear about new books!

    WAY to go on the shorts girl!! I so have a few pairs I'm working on :)

  9. I love that canvass and I'll have to check out that book if you think it's good. Love hearing about books that I don't know about. I'll be back to Thankful Thursday soon. I promise.

  10. girl! 18lbs is amazing! seriously, congrats! that book has been on my list for ages, good to hear you liked it!

  11. Oh have I failed at sticking to Thankful Thursdays.... :-( Why do I struggle to stick to anything....?
    Love that you have been successful in your weight loss, nothing like putting on a pair of shorts that didn't fit last time :-) Proud of you!!


  12. I love the idea of posts of what to be thankful for. Good books are always a good one. Great post!

  13. Way to go on the weight loss! So many things to be thankful for.

  14. I'm so proud of you with the weight loss! You go girl!!

  15. i wish i lived closer to local coffee shops! #citylife that's a great idea to support them.

  16. congrats on the 18lbs! Cory and I have sworn after we get back from Rwanda, we will be starting some kind of exercise regime. The past couple months have been bad!


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