This week I am Thankful For:
Colorado Mug
My sweet brother & sister filled up my Colorado coffee mug spot! & by brother & sister, they are married & NO, not related. They used to live here & be a huge part of my church family & they both have just felt like family to me - so yeah, my brother & sister, who are husband & wife. haha. Anyways, I was so surprised to see a package in the mail from them ... with the most heart felt card - I totally cried. I miss my framily & am determined to get out to Colorado & visit them one day!!!
Adorable Shirt
OK... I just want to take all my blogging friends & hug them for all the encouragement & love always sent to me. This past week, I got another package in the mail & opened it up to find this shirt inside ... with the sweetest note (& wasn't one bit surprised that the stationary was Disney!!!). I just adore this sweet Florida girl & am so touched she thought of me to send me this shirt. Thanks so much Heather!!!! (if you havent been to Heather's blog - check her out - she's A-DOR-ABLE!!!!)
... & can we stop & give her props for her adding a Gaston stamp onto my envelope!!!!
& how cute is the packaging??? She is just overflowing with cuteness here!!!
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Perfect for a Florida girl!!! |
Y'all... I cant help it. I am thankful for new pens. Like I NEED new pens... but I can't help myself!
Especially when they're on sale. Just set that hook out because you're going to snag me in!
Lunch with Church family
I got to enjoy lunch with two of the staff at my church that lead the Senior High Ministry. First, I appreciated that they ventured downtown so I didnt have to leave my work building during my hour break (Panera to the rescue) & Second, I just love getting to talk to them & learning more about our Youth Minister, Caleb. His preaching is phenomenal. Like, I even asked him if his goal is to have a church of his own one day - his messages are that good. It was just nice to take an hour from work & relax with my precious & dear church family. Love them so much!
So this horse thing is new to all of us since dad is the one who did all things horse. Me? I'm all things dogs.... horses were dads thing. I of course would love to love the horses & pet them & ride them... but taking care of them? Yeaahhhh... new...... So we didnt give it any mind to keep the hay stocked up & then realized we were running low & we couldnt find dad's contact where he used to get some bales for the horses. & its not like you can run down to Target & pick some of it up. (but wouldnt that be wonderful????).... Kind of a panic sit in. So I turned where I usually do in a panic - Facebook. I posted on there for people to give me some recommendations (which many did & I'm grateful for that) - but I also had a friend that took it one step further & said, "Come over & get some bales from our house to hold you over"... how stinkin' KIND & generous is that???? We were in dire need for the horses dinner for the night so Ricky & I drove over - & we loved getting to catch up with her husband too - plus got to love on some goats - & I just cant say how helpful & amazing that gift was to us. It's so funny that our old church family from Greenville is still one of the most cherished things in my life, even today, after all the years.
Thank you again Manias family!!! We love you all so much!
I'm not typically a nap person. They make me feel funny. But Sunday, I came home from church & just felt BLAH. Like I had no energy & I just felt off. I ended up laying down & falling asleep for 2 hours. I woke up feeling even more BLAH - but it wore off after moving around 10 minutes. I think I needed that nap more than any nap I've ever needed before.
What things are you thankful for this week?
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