This Week I am Thankful For:
Roads open!!!
They have been building our new Convention Center for the past 3 (or is it 4) years!!! It's been a mess downtown. & while not ALL the roads are open (there's still one more) - they've opened up all the area to the center & opened up the center itself. It's beautiful! Smells like a new everything. New carpet, fresh pain, new furniture. & that the roads are open is so nice. I can now come out of the garage & take a different way to get to the expressway & when its not backed up, its faster than the way I go every day. Nice to have options!
Free cookies
... not that I needed it...
& I did give one to Ricky.
But when I ordered from Panera the other day, they totally left out half of my order. I noticed it when I got back up to my desk. So after trekking back down & showing them the bag, the manager got me the rest of my order & was like, Come with me - & put these 2 cookies in my bag. Sweet treats help any bad situation seem better.
MORE Starbucks mugs
I think these may be a new love language for me.
I didnt get one - but TWO new mugs this week! The one from Texas came from my cousin that lives down that way & sent it home with my aunt that was visiting. & the other one from Florida? The PRECIOUS Terri from Your Friend From Florida - which indeed she is! - sent this up to me. Isnt it so fun & colorful with the green & pink? I just love love love my blog friends. (& if you havent ever checked out Terri, you're going to love her & her husband Joe so much!!!!)
OK... so I'm addicted. I got the notice awhile back from my library that they would be using the app Hoopla where you can access more books, movies & music. I AM IN LOVE!!!! I have since downloaded 3 books, 3 audiobooks & havent even checked out the movies yet. I may have to. All of it - FREE!!! I've put the app on my phone & on my tablet & on my Kindle Fire. I need to see if my Alexa will play my audio books since its on my Kindle Fire now too - that'd be SUPER nice!
Best vegetarian burger EVER!!!!
I went out to lunch with some coworkers last Friday & we tried a new place. I got a sandwich that was honest to goodness the best thing I've ever had in my life. I just keep dreaming about it. Which means I've already convinced Ricky we have to go try it soon too!
Supporting our girl in the pageant
I just am so happy that our girl WON the pageant this past weekend, but loved even more seeing her friends celebrate her victory & them cheering her on the whole while.
New lookout
My brother made Baby a new lookout from her stall in the barn. She's still not fully tame so we are really careful on letting her out & letting her roam - but we dont want her sheltered up to a stall her whole life - so she's loving this new little view from her stall. She loves to come over & kiss your hand & just watches her big brother all the time now too. Plus, all the breeze! Ahhhh - she's one happy little girl.
What good things are going on in your life right now?
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