Monday, August 27, 2018

The weekend that wasn't....

I am so lost on what day it is....

Why?  Because we had to work Saturday & Sunday.  Talk about confusing for a Monday.

I'm sure the dogs are even more confused too since Ricky also had to work on Saturday - so an empty house on a Saturday?  Let me tell you... they KNOW what day a Saturday is - & they look forward to it - as do I.  So when both Ricky & I are walking out the door in work clothes, I know there was some head tilting happening.

My work just got a new computer system that they've been working on for nearly 2 years & this weekend was the release of it.  Actually today, Monday, is when everyone else gets to play in it - but since the computer system was down last week for all the transfer of info, the Finance Department had to go back & re-enter all the work from last week into the new system.  Hence, the weekend work.

On the weekend, it kinda looks like a jail, right? :) 
It was just weird being in the building with it so empty... & DARK
this pic doesnt really reflect how it looked with no lights on ... felt SO mssed up

All I can say is - it has thrown me off.  I'm a schedule person by nature so I'm just thoroughly confused.

I will say, I am so grateful for my supervisor though - she's incredible.  She told me to go ahead & leave early Sunday so I could make it to church for my HSM girls.  I was beyond thrilled. I didnt think I was going to be able to be there & I HATE missing a Sunday with them & that time to learn together & worship with one another.  I walked in 5 minutes before service started ... & was truly worshiping Jesus to be there.

Anything else happen over the weekend that was exciting? hmmm... let me think....

* it got hot again - that's not fun. Like stupid, yucky, humid hot.

* I got to watch the final season of The Originals - which, let's note how stupid I am. I kept seeing things out there about the finale & I was so confused because I didnt even KNOW the final season had begun to play - I was waiting for it... & then I found out the whole season was out on Netflix. I have no clue how I missed the entire season.  Truth be told though - I was glad to just binge all the way through without having to wait & no commercials.  I ended up staying up till 1:30am on Friday watching it & then got a few of them in on Saturday & finished up on Sunday. .... & if anyone loves The Originals & has watched it - please dish with me. I'm SOOOO NOT a fan of that finale. SOOOO not a fan!!!!

Image result for the originals season 6

* Ricky & I snuggled in Saturday night for a movie night. & FINALLY got to watch the lastest Avengers movie. WHAT THE HECK PEOPLE?  Why didnt anyone warn me about the ending?  I just must live in a bubble of some sorts - first The Originals - & then the ending of that movie?  I could hardly handle it.  Ricky & I sat with our jaws dropped for a few minutes after it was over & then talking our theories on what's going to happen in the next film.

Image result for avengers infinity war meme

* I did zero house cleaning & zero laundry.  There's that.

* I did get to get some knitting in though - finished one hat & started another.  Cool weather is around the corner!!!! Maybe.

So here we are...On a Monday... This is going to feel like the LONGEST WEEK EVERRRRRR!!!!!

Tell me something good about your weekend!

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