Was it just me or did March go by in a BLINK! Like seriously - how are we in the 4th month of the year? Not complaining. I'm ready for Spring... even though we did just have snow flurries... sigh...
So here's my March One Sentence a Day
1. I literally fell asleep in my jeans & shoes. #exhausted
2. We finally got our new HVAC unit installed while I was sitting in an infusion center getting round #3 #halfwaythere
3. We went to our old church to hear our buddy preach & then I took my momma out to watch the twins play in a basketball tournament. #snowybusyday
4. Rip Luke Perry. #DylanMcKayforever
5. Why is it absolutely freezing again? #highinthe20s
6. Excited that its Ash Wednesday because it notes the beginning of Lent & the countdown to Easter. #myfavoriteholiday #notCatholic
7. I just felt horrible all day long with itchy skin, painful hands, heartburn galore & then had to sit in the doctor's office for an hour & a half for them to literally tell me, 'let's take blood & we'll see you in 3 months" #justwantedtocrawlinbed
8. Friday night & I go to bed at 9pm #Fridaynightforoldies
9. Infusion #4 went really smoothly but I still end up in bed all day after these babies. #onemoretogo
10. Daylight Savings Time! #goodbyeonehourofsleep #hellomorelightatnight
11. Our Supervisor is out with the stomach bug & I'm ready to light the whole office up to disinfect it. #keepgermsaway
12. I had to stretch my appointment an extra week to get my hair colored & I swear, if I waited any longer, I think I would have looked like I was nearly 95 years old. #graycominginfastandfurious
13. Storms may be coming, but we got to enjoy a 68 degree temp day giving us hope of Spring to come!!! #coldisbacktomorrowthough
14. March is definitely coming in like a lion. #stormseverywhere #alltherain
15. The best library haul ever!!!! #allthereads
16. & that's a wrap on infusions.... for now.... #byefelicia
17. Got my car clean on the inside & out after probably a full year #feelslikenew
18. What do you do on a Monday night now that The Bachelor is off? #bedearly
19. I went to bed early the night before & still overslept & didnt want to get up AND could hardly make it through the morning. #didsomeonedrugme?
20. I can't believe my period is still going after 2 weeks, making me freak out thinking I'm loosing ALL the iron I just got from my infusions. #WHYYYYYYYY #juststopbleeding
21. It's always so good to see family, but it also just tugs the heart to know both my dad & his brother aren't there to enjoy family with us. #familygrief #gottasticktogether #missthosewoodmen
22. I've never had a more TGIF day in my life when this week has felt FOREVER long. #FINALLYtheweekend
23. My first Saturday in 6 weeks that I dont have an iron infusion to do & we get up early & have a date day for breakfast out & to the movies to see Captain Marvel. #LOVEDthismoviesomuch
24. With HSM not having a normal schedule for Spring Break, I took advantage to stay home all day & clean & binge on Shrill on Hulu. #pjsallday
25. I literally was so busy all day long at work that I came home & just made supper & went to bed. #forgetworkingout
26. Enjoyed going to lunch with our new coworker & getting to know her a little bit more. #alsoadogmom
27. Glad to find out our new coworker is also a Starbucks addict & we just added one more person to our morning coffee walk. #themorethemerrier
28. With the NCAA tournament games here in town, downtown was a sea of Orange with all the Tennessee Volunteer fans. #heardtheylost
29. I was so busy at work all day long, my arm hurt from entering checks all day long. #biceptendonitis
30. Had to be at that airport to see my HSM girls come back from a mission trip to Cuba #sharethenameofJesus
31. It only took 3 months, but we finally finished our puzzle we've been working on together. #couplesproject
& for fun... here's my 1 second a day video for March
Hope your March was wonderful!!!
Tell me the one thing that was your favorite for your month!
& know we link up the first Tuesday of each month - so start getting those sentences together for next month...
& if you dont have every day down, that's fine... just have fun documenting your life.
& know we link up the first Tuesday of each month - so start getting those sentences together for next month...
& if you dont have every day down, that's fine... just have fun documenting your life.
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