Monday, April 01, 2019

The weekend someone ratted me out

Before I even start, I gotta say .... it was just a little over 24 hours & Ricky asked me about his truck seat.

Seriously - I was driving home on Friday & Ricky said, "So what's up with my truck seat?"
My response: "What are you talking about?"
Hubby: "just tell me...."

... OK - I need to stop here & say, I thought he said, "So what's up with the truck NEON?"
Which I literally was confused & was like WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
Because what INDEED is a truck neon?

Image result for what gif

haha - let's just confuse the situation even more, shall we?

But then he said it again clearly.... "My truck seat Rebecca... what happened to it?"
I just laughed.

Soooo.... Who stabbed me in the back?  Who turned me in?  Who put a horses head in my bed?

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Ricky wont tell me because he said he promised he wouldnt tell who let him know.  I told him when he put a ring on my finger, that promise should top all promises... he laughed. I dont know how to take that.... I just now know I have a spy that will tell on me.... dont you all enjoy the Ricky stories?  Dont you want me to tell on myself?  .... oh, ok. We all know I'll still do it.

& KUDDOS to my hubby who was at first a little upset & said, "Why did you use Clorox wipes? It left a little white stain on the seat?".... OH SNAP... but he ended up going back & using some sort of upholstery cleaner & it all worked out - looks brand new.  WHEW!!!!!

If you have no idea what I'm talking about... bless you .. but you can look back on my Thankful Thursday  post to get caught up if you are interested in the struggles of marriage with truck seats & cake pops.  #Reallife

Anyways - back to today's post... a quick glance at the weekend... no need for cover ups on this one...


*We got a new rug in & at first I wasn't sure I liked it because it made it look dirty every time someone stood on it & the rug fibers would get moved in one direction.... but actually, now that all the fibers are every which way, Its not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Whew!

*Finished my next book.... book reviews are up again in less than 2 weeks.

* Watched Grey's Anatomy & MAN OH MAN... the tears.  Sexual assault was the topic & it was just so emotional.  That scene with the ladies lining the hall for the patient to go to surgery... I was a wreck.  & the whole "rape kit" scene.... where the patient had to say YES to every step.... man oh man. This was a tough episode.

*Also excited to watch Jane the Virgin back ... for the final year #tear .... I love this corny show. #stillteamRaphel


*Morning snuggles with my Harvey Dent. This dog loves the weekend more than any other dog we have ever had.  He is the most dependent on us than any dog too. He literally HATES to be left alone

*Finished up Northern Rescue on Netflix... I tried to take it slow because I hate when I binge a show in a day & then I'm missing it.  This one took me about 4 weeks which was decent enough. I hope it comes back for a 2nd season because a LOT of unanswered questions.

*ON A MISSION - I'm cleaning my library.  It ended up being the "Throw it in there" room from just LIFE & man, it's been a hot mess.  But I've come up with a plan.... I'm wanting to take my desk & either turn it into something more useful - or get a new table - because I'm going to put a COFFEE BAR in my library. YES!!!! Combine my two favs... books & coffee - all in one room. & this room is connected to my kitchen so it's convenient too.  I've already been on Pinterest for days trying to find some coffee bar ideas & man oh man - so many thoughts on what to do here!!!! ... I'll keep you up to date on decisions.

*Best part of my weekend.... Some of our HSM peeps took their Spring Break & went to Cuba to serve on a mission team.  2 of the kiddos are girls from my group - so I definitely wanted to be there to cheer them on in their return home.  It was just so awesome to see their smiling faces & hear little glimpses of their trip. I cant wait to hear more & see pictures & hear about the experiences they had.

I had mentioned on FB & IG - but please lift up prayers for this team.  I think mission work is just vital to spreading the name & love of Jesus ... which can you can be a missionary in your own hometown - wherever you are!!... but pray that the work they finished up just trickles further than they imagine.  & pray for these amazing people as they settle back in their world, that I know has to look so different to them with new eyes.  I spoke to someone who went on a mission trip & when she came back, she said she walked in her house & cried because she had carpet... something she never even thought of before. Literally walked right over without much thought - but after visiting areas of the world that are so joyful with so little, & the things we take for granted, you just come back changed.  So please lift a prayer for these sweet faces.

*It was freakin' snowing on my drive home from the airport. Snow flakes... in Spring... I am SO OVER IT!


*My pain level was SUPER HIGH ... (please Lord - help me!) & I had a fever on & off so of course, I'm freaking out that another abscess is forming. (Please Lord - help me!) so I just stayed home & on the couch for the day.  I just need this all to be behind me & for this pain to END.  #SoManyPunsHere

*After getting a good part of my library clean, I already took advantage of it by lying on my Cleopatra lounge couch & reading my latest book.

*Got started on the new show on Amazon Prime - Hannah ... I AM LOVING IT. So good.  Drove me nuts that the CSI lady, I couldnt place her face.  Thank goodness for Google & IMDB because I found out she was the lady that was on the short lived Shonda Rimes series The Catch... was driving me CRAZY until I found out!

Image result for shonda rhimes The catch
If you watch Hannah - you're welcome - you dont have to go nuts like me

* We finally FINALLLLLLY finished a puzzle we have been working on since New Years Day.  I get some people do these sorts of puzzles in a day or two... OK, so it took us a few months.  It was usually a walk by sort of thing, or a few minutes every weekend so it wasn't like we sat for hours on end & it still took us 3 months.  But I found that Justice League puzzle at Hobby Lobby & knew Ricky would love it.  & actually, he doesnt usually work puzzles with me but this one inspired him to work on it.  He actually put in the last piece..... & now, I dont want to tear it apart.

* & because last week's episode of The Walking Dead put me in a major depression, I geared up for the season finale.  I didnt think I'd like the show with Rick gone but I've been really impressed how good it still is.

You watching Hannah?  Or Grey's Anatomy?  Or Jane the Virgin?

Any coffee bar ideas I should know about?

What was the highlight of your weekend?

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