I can't believe it's already that time of the month again ... BOOK TIME!
I love this day. I literally keep a notebook near my computer & write down the ones everyone just brags about & loves. I honestly find books through this link up...
You can join in too... just click the pic below & thanks Steph & Jana for keeping this link up going -
keeping the love of books & reading going!
& here we go into the last month's reads... not a lot, but still trekking along.
I'm still ahead of my goal on Goodreads - that's my angel on my shoulder telling me to keep reading!
Winter Garden
Quick Summary: A father dies, leaving behind his wife & 2 daughters - all of whom are totally different. They have to learn to live life without him & finally learn the true stories of one another, especially their Russian born mother.
So.... I tried. I really wanted to read this especially because I have never read a Kristin Hannah book & hear all the ranting & raving about her.
Well, this one wasn't the best one to start out with.
The death of a beloved father - nope... I seriously was sitting in the back yard SOBBING... & then, I just couldn't get into the book. My heart was just broke & the story of these women not getting along, I just wasn't in the mind frame to handle this book....
In the end.... just not good timing for me.
These lines right here about broke my heart in two...
"What will be be without him"... "Less"....
Nice Try, Jane Sinner
** / It was OK
Quick Summary: A 17 yr old girl is enlisting in a college to finish her high school courses to graduate (not sure how that works??) after she's trying to avoid her old life after "The Incident" & then she signs up for a College Reality Show to try & help her get a new start & identity.
So this was just OK to me. I dont know what it is but I feel like there's a goal to make a book 400 pages long when it really would be better if it were around 250 to 300 pages. So much information that I just dont see relevant - or lots of drawn out situations. All these imaginary conversations with an imaginary therapist just got on my nerves something fierce... I ended up skipping a lot of them in parts of the book.
Not sure how I feel about the style of this book - its written in almost a 'script' sort of style with the name in bold above every line that character would say... it was sort of irritating to me by the end.
The story was just OK as well.... I did enjoy part of it when it talked about the antics on the reality show & the relationship formed between the house guests. Some of it even took me by surprise on what happens....
This book did touch on Christian lifestyle with a best friend who is a Christian but is also bisexual - & then Christian parents trying to get the main character back in church.... it all just felt really strange to me the way the topic was handled in this book.
In the end ... meh. This was OK. Enjoyable enough - not one I'd recommend.
“The past doesn't exist. It's just a story we tell ourselves. And stories change each time you tell them.”
99 Percent Mine
** 1/2 / It was OK enough
Quick Summary: A set of twins was left a house after their aunt passed away & their childhood friend that they grew up with is contracted to fix it to sale. Tom has always been Jamie's best friend their whole life while Darcy felt like she met the boy that all other boys had to live up to at such a young age. When Darcy & Tom are left alone to fix the house, she's determined to make him all hers.
I really loved The Hating Game - also written by this author - & was excited for this new book of hers to come out. This one? It was OK enough... I enjoyed it - wasn't over the moon about it & hugging it & jumping up & down over it... but it was just alright.
The twins sort of got on my nerves. I felt like Darcy was a little bratty & Jamie was a little spoiled punk. I did enjoy Tom though - the "perfect guy" - which he really was written as such.
I did enjoy parts of the book when real depths of the relationship would come out with Darcy's health & her heart issues & how her brother & Tom were concerned about her.... but a lot of the story, I was just was a little bored with.
In the end, I'm glad I read it, it passed the time just fine - made me smile, gave me some warm & fuzzy feelings. Not hating on it. Just didnt meat The Hating Game expectations.
"As soon as I'm looking back at Tom, no one else exists. I'm beginning to think that it's going to be the case for life. It's why I really should make an effort to find my silver medal."
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