1 - Fri / What a surprise kicking off the year for a 5 hour road trip & coming home with a new puppy #HelloOzzie
2 - Sat / Nothing like getting your mammogram done for the year on day 2! #checkoffthelist
3 - Sun / COBRA KAI SEASON 3!!!! #bingeditall #AliIsBack
4 - Mon / Closing our year end books at work had me working one final really late evening #WHEW #survived #dontminditwhenyouworkfromhome
5 - Tues / I'm so glad to be working from home so I can get Ozzie out of his kennel multiple times a day #poorHarvey&Ernie
6 - Wed / I was in a huge panic when I was only able to eeek out one cup of coffee with creamer & then I was out, but the Hubs came to the rescue on his way home from work #MyHero
7 - Thurs / Earplugs are my friend sleeping with a puppy #YIPYIPYIPYIP
8 - Fri / This was the fastest week of my life at work #CouldntBelieveWorkedFull5Days
9 - Sat / Took Ozzie over to meet my mom #HeWasntSureAboutHerCats
10 - Sun / I BAKED BREAD!!!!!!! #soexcited
11 - Mon / Found my mother again & had to call 911 to get her to the hospital. #EMTsareourbestfriend
12 - Tues / My mom has COVID & the only way we could figure out how she got it was her Caretenders Physical Therapist that visits her every week #COVIDfindsyou
13 - Wed / I think my nerves are on the edge because I was shaky & nauseated all day long #roughdays
14 - Thurs / So the signs are fully clear that yet ANOTHER dog is going to be Hubby's best friend #iamchoppedliver
15 - Fri / Ozzie is just loving all his play time with Ernie #bestbudsnow
16 - Sat / After spending so much time with mom, Hubby & I went to get COVID tested ourselves #mysecondtest
17 - Sun / It was such a beautifuly snowy day #fluffyflakes
18 - Mon / Had the day off & stayed at home quarantining till we get the test results but had to take my mom some clothes when she got moved to a rehab facility at 10pm #didntgoinside
19 -Tues / Results back from our tests & so glad it was negative #getmethevaccinequickplease
20 - Wed / WE HAVE A NEW PRESIDENT!!!!!!! #readyforachange
21 - Thurs / Watched Sex in the City 2 again & I honestly forgotten 99% of the movie #knowfirstmoviebyheartthough
22 - Fri / Signed up for Weight Watchers to give it a shot #letsseehowitworks #fingerscrossed
23- Sat / I actually am trying contacts for the first time & not sure how its going to work #mylefteyeisntlikingit
24 - Sun / I finally FINALLY finally made it through all the Gilmore Girls seasons. #byeStarsHollows
25 - Mon / Had to take Ozzie to the vet for his 2nd round of shots & he's doubled in size at 12lbs now #wontgettoholdhimforlong
26 - Tues / Just a stressful day with a lot of reality checks #momstillinrehab
27 - Wed / We got 4 inches of snow & its freezing & I've been fighting all day to get propane for my mom's house that has zero heat in all this #atleastmomiswarminrehab #hercatsnotsomuch
28 - Thurs / I think my name is going to be on some sort of list after having to talk to at least 12 people & demanding answers on why I cant get propane delivered after 5 days & when the house is 30 degrees at my mother's house. #SOFRUSTRATING #FerrellGasisonmypooplist
29 - Fri / FINALLLLLLY my mom's house is warm again #thecatsarehappy
30 - Sat / How have we had Ozzie for 4 weeks already? #timewarp #growingsofast
31- Sun / .... & MORE snow. #howlongtillSpring?
Let's get through February... a short month & one step closer to warm weather!!!!
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