Thursday, April 08, 2021

Thankful Thursday #306


This week I am Thankful for:

Breakfast with Hubby
It was nice to do a breakfast date with Hubby - something we havent done in a long time with COVID & then it was too cold to eat outside. We're still not comfortable eating indoors... just who we are... so now that its warming up - we can do more outdoor seating breakfasts or even some breakfast picnics.

Soft Foods
After dental work & having 3 shots in my jaw, I couldnt even open my mouth more than a little bit - so soft foods were my lifeline the first few days after my latest dental trip.  Pudding & Mashed potatoes have been my best friend.

Online Book Club
When I heard some of my bloggy friends talking about a book club - I got all nosy & was like, give me some info on this - & they invited me & I got to join in this past month. I was so excited to see faces & hear voices in real time.  I was going to join last month, but that's when I had COVID - BOO!  This month, I was excited to get on, even if I had a sore mouth.  Looking forward to future book club meet ups

Front Room clean up begin
I may not have been able to get my table yet for my coffee bar (I'm scouring WayFair right  now) but I'm excited we got a good start on getting it all ready & cleaned out. Its likea whole new room already & I'm excited to get more use out of it.

Garbage Can
You know you're an adult when a new garbage can makes you excited. I was looking online for one for awhile & got it down to 2 that I was between - so when we went into Home Depot & I found one for HALF the price of the ones I was looking for, I was shocked. & I expected to just deal with it - for half off, I'd make due. But I LOVE this garbage can. It stays open if you're using it a lot, like during cooking or cleaning - & it holds a LOT.  I never knew a garbage can could make me smile so much.

Tell me something good about your week

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