1 - Fri / Happy 74th Birthday to my momma! #ShesNowOlderThanMyDad
2 - Sat / Ozzie tore up our outside doggie door causing a full day event of installing a whole new unit #ThisDog #GoodThingHesCute
3 - Sun / Binged Squid Games & kind of disturbed by it all in the end #greedgreedgreed
4 - Mon / I'm enjoying taking my PTO on these cooler fall days #readoutsideallday
5 - Tues / Days are so hard when you dont sleep well the night before #strugglebus
6 - Wed / Went back to the Hematologist office for a discussion on next steps & aggravated when my ferritin dropped AGAIN from 3 weeks ago & the doctor spent 10 minutes trying to convince me to eat meat. #TimeToFindaNewDoctor
Always love the tree in their office |
You can barely see it because I'm only 5 points from the bottom - but dropped AGAIN to a 4 |
7 - Thurs / Ernie Walker is 4 years old today! #Mybabygrowingup
8 - Fri / I always get so anxious when my dogs arent acting like themselves #HarveyDent
9 - Sat / My twin nieces are 17 years old today!!! #SAYWHAT?
10 - Sun / Its supposed to be Fall so why is it in the 80's, humid & I'm wearing shorts & sweating? #WeAreGoingToSkipFallIBet
11- Mon / Boston Marathon is back!!! #goodtoseeit
12 - Tues / Signed up for Hello Fresh #needsomedinnerideas
13 - Wed / Watched Captain Kirk literally get shot into space #richpeoplesfun
14 - Thurs / Just a bad day of being overlooked, snubbed & slighted #keeppressingon
15 - Fri / Took some dinner over to mom & was showing her how to video chat. #alwayslearnthelatest
16 - Sat / I so enjoyed getting to meet Kelly for lunch & catching up & sitting in the beautiful Fall air #perfectlunchday
17 - Sun / I pretty much spent every minute of the day just sitting outside & enjoying the cool weather. #glorious
18 - Mon / Got my first Hello Fresh delivery & excited to try to cook more #watchoutIronChef
19 - Tues / Excited to find out I won a book in the Show Us Your Books giveaway #loveafreebook
20 - Wed / Came home to find that Ernie had some massive stomach issues #poorbaby #cutallthehairoffaroundthebutt
21 - Thurs / Loving this cute dress I got from Walmart that is giving me all the Fall Feels #Thesedressesareshorton me #WearLeggings
22 - Fri / Had to unfortunately go back to my surgeon to talk about some issues that may be stirring up again #NearaNervousBreakdown #NOTAGAIN
23 - Sat / Finished season 3 of YOU #socrazy
24 - Sun / Took Ozzie for a ride to see my Mother in Law & Sister in Law & picked up our favorite pizza #STILLthebestpizzaever
Waiting for his daddy to come back with the pizza |
25 - Mon / My Garmin watch band finally broke #itlastedsolong #RIPmyfriend
26 - Tues / We headed out early for a breakfast date #LoveDoingThatOnVacation
27 - Wed / Why am I awake on vacation at 6am? #GRRRR
28 - Thurs / 26 years as Mr & Mrs #wow #wheredoesthetimego
29 - Fri / We decided to pickleball & we had the best time #wentbackandplayedagainthatnight
30 - Sat / It was so rainy & dreary, I'm so glad my coffee/book room got finished so I could just sit & relax & be lazy in the most cozy environment #FINALLY
31 - Sun / With no trick or treaters in our area, I spent the day finishing a book & wearing my Halloween leggings #stillloveHalloween
What was the best thing that happened in October?
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