This week I am Thankful for:
Survived 3 hour wait
I still cant believe I sat in the doctor's office for 3 hours to see the Retina specialist. They had warned me that he gets behind because 1. he's very demanded & a great doctor & 2. he spends time with his patients - which I can appreciate. But this was NUTS. I'll give a break though because they had closed 2 days for the ice/snow storm the week before & had to get in all the patients that had to reschedule. I was one of them - I was one that was supposed to be in the week before. But honestly... it didnt feel like 3 hours to me. I think because the ONLY available seat in the office was right by the door & the bathroom so I was constantly entertained by watching people & I ended up being the bathroom monitor - LOL... "Someone is in there" - "You need the key" - I think I should have gotten paid for my service.
Look at how dark the sky was when I finally left |
Kindle in the Eye doctor
When I wasn't doing bathroom monitoring, I was so glad I had my Kindle because having dilated eyes, things were blurry - but pump up the font on that baby & I got through a big chunk of my book sitting there so long!
No Laser Needed
The doctor said he actually found ANOTHER hole in my retina - TWO! But he said they have sealed themselves off so there was no need to do any sort of procedure to fix it. Thank goodness - I was a nervous wreck thinking of a laser going through my eye. Now granted - I have to go back in 3 months to see if the holes are healing - or if there's any more.... & if my vision doesnt get any better, we can discuss future treatments - which reading about them - EGADS! Freaks me out... but for the next 3 months, I'm going to take the positive.
Front Yard Frisbee throwing
Our back yard is like a muddy swamp after all the ice & snow... with the dogs tromping all over it - its just a MESS. I need Spring to come so we can get grass happening back there. I wont throw the frisbee back there because I'm afraid they'll fall & break a leg... so we've been enjoying front yard frisbee sessions. The dogs get so happy to go out there because they know - ITS ON... they could catch frisbees all day long. Pure doggie Joy.
Saturday appointments
I got my yearly mammogram done this past weekend & I just love they have appointments on Saturdays where I dont have to plan around work. Plus, I honestly was in & out in less than 15 minutes. I said that is a true WAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM moment right there.
(Now fingers crossed waiting for the results - I always hold my breath)
Coffee Treat
After that squish squish - I decided I wanted to stop at Starbucks. I hardly make it there anymore... & I get there & the line was WRAPPED AROUND THE BUILDING! I had my Kindle so I was good. Do you know it took me 20 minutes to get coffee? But mmmm... so worth it!
You can see the line goes up & turns left - I'm in front of the building & the drive thru wrapped literally around the building - you can see the actual window pick up on the far left on the side |
Running Free
Hubby had forgotten to lock the gate where Baby is divided from Cochese one evening & when my brother went over the next day, Baby was out in the big field with him. They're fine together - we're more concerned that Baby could get out of the electric fence because she's so much smaller than the big horse - because obvs - she's a mini! LOL... But she was fine & I bet you, you had the time of her life that night running out in the big field with her brother. It sometimes takes some time to wrangle her up to go back to her part of the field... nope - she was exhausted & wanted to get in her stall. She had a successful night of fun. Party Girl!
Valentines Goodies
I came home from work to find the cutest little spread waiting for me. Dark Chocolate candy & the most BEAUTIFUL flowers. I am obsessed with this little vase. This is a keeper - one I'll find a use for - its just so darn cute. I love that its short too! I think it will be cute in my kitchen table because it wont block a view across the table. Hubby did good this year.
Tell me something good about your week!
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