Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday is a favorite to me....

Favorite Movie to go see


Seriously.  I expect to see this movie a few times.
I'm hoping it lives up to expectations.
Favorite Video

In honor of the movie, this video is fantastic.
NOT kid friendly!!! ... but just funny
& yep.  I'm on Team Belle

Favorite Knit

Knit Afghan - free paattern

I love this blanket.  The cables, the colors.
I may have to make this one.

Favorite Organizing Idea

Repurposed Window Shutter Projects • Tutorials and ideas, including this shutter bulletin board by 'Martha'!

I love this idea. 
Window Shutters repurposed. 
Paint to match your room  - & you have an organizing station.
It would be cute to even paint different panels different colors & then each person has their individual unit to check for the latest news.
I just wonder how things don't slide all the way through.  The tutorial says to 'lock' the louvers in the up position but I wonder if it would still hold things.  Probably would only be an issue for smaller things.
But I like the little clips on the slats anyways.

Favorite Beauty & The Beast

The Man Inside

This is such a weekly thing for me, isn't it? 
Be prepared - its gonna always be here
It's my job in this world to show everyone the beauty of this movie & story :)

Favorite Heart Tug

Faith In Humanity Restored

Oh mercy... this just made my heart smile in the middle of aching
The holes left in hearts when fur-babies leave this world
What a sweet way to honor their dog.

Favorite Funnies

Pocket Princesses 101: Drain Duty
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The struggle is real


Funny Pictures Of The Day - 62 Pics
Let's just say I sit with earphones in all day at work...
you figure it out.

Elsa Having Fun
A tribute to all the winter we've all gone through!
Who doesn't love a good fall... I could watch this all day

And speaking of falling!!!!

WHY does the guy just shut the door on him?
Did he not want anyone to hear the tears?

How I feel like I have to handle people at my job:

I am Neo by the way

Me leaving the office today!!!

Happy Friday Everyone!!!!


  1. I love, love, love that knit blanket.

    I love that housewife card ... somehow it loses a lot of significance if I changed it to fit my situation (my quilting gets in the way of being a housewife - ha!).

  2. That rap battle was just too funny - very entertaining! I hope you enjoy the movie - and cant wait to hear your thoughts! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  3. I laughed so hard at the falling people ! lol

    Aaaaaah just what I needed to end my week !

    TGIF ! Happy Friday ! :-)

  4. Goodness...I can't handle that tennis ball memorial. Seriously brings tears to my eyes thinking about it. And I had a day yesterday where I was just over it. I finally had to snap at a few people in my office. So glad today is Friday too!

  5. I'm thinking about going today to see Cinderella, if not I will go on Monday. I can't wait either. Love so many of the things you love. I especially love the tennis balls, too sweet! LOL at leaving the office....sooooo funny.

  6. Hahahahahaha I like to leave the office that way as well!!! And I needed to see that GIF after seeing the tennis balls dog tribute! Oh that made my heart ache!!!!I really want to see Cinderella but I doubt my husband would be down with that. Drat!!!

    have a great weekend!

  7. Oh my gosh I love that box of tennis balls. So sweet.

  8. Ahh, the tennis balls brought tears to my eyes. Love that. Hope you're having an awesome weekend!

  9. i cannot WAIT to see Cinderella!!! I hope it is wonderful like I hope it will be!

  10. I know it's so wrong, but I laughed so hard at the guy who fell through the trap door! And then the guy just shut the door, like "oh well, we're busy here at the bar, so we'll rush you to the hospital later!"


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