I confess
.... I can't believe we're going to get another snow storm. A possible FOOT of snow coming tonight into tomorrow? I had just bragged that we had a pretty easy winter. Well, I guess all this snow is my fault. #Jinx
... I foresee a snow day tomorrow. #PJdayahead
... I used the sentence "Winter is throwing up on us again" to describe our weather today to someone #snowiswintervomit
... I have about 5 slices of bread in my cabinet. & with snow storm warnings out, I know the shelves are cleared out of bread. Funny thing, I hardly eat anything using bread, but just knowing I'm out of it & I'll probably be home all day tomorrow, I'm panicked about it. #snowedinandbreadless
I actually hate French toast ... this makes me feel better... |
... all this melting snow from the last storm? My car smells like water is getting in... it stinks like mildew. I'm ready to hang a dozen air fresheners from my rear view mirror. #newcarsmellnomore
This could be my car in the next few days |
... I don't get why everyone is so angry at William Shatner for missing Leonard Nimoy's funeral. The guy honored his commitment to do a charity event. It's not like he was out partying in Vegas & decided not to make it. People are so judgmental. #leaveCaptainKirkalone #livelongandprosper
... So I think that guy that did the painting of Bill Clinton is nothing but a jerk. You wait until the President & his wife are taking their pictures in front of this painting & THEN you come out & say you snuck in a shadow of the 'blue dress'? I don't care if you're a fan or not of Mr. Clinton - that's just a chump move. #notcool
... I cant wait to see if the "mystery" dancer on Dancing with the Stars is indeed The Bachelor, Farmer Chris. As long as he doesn't have to talk to anyone in awkward situations. He's not the best at that. #betterdancerthentalker #letshope
Already getting a taste of the dancing thing |
... My & my co-hort at work (the lady that sits out in the open right next to me) have determined that our new work theme song is Meghan Trainor "Lips are moving"... The 2 of us have been promised over & over that we would get 'walls' or dividers of some sort to give us privacy. So yeah, every time the song comes on the radio & the line "I know you lie - your lips are moving" we get a little dance party going at our desks. You gotta do what you gotta do to get through a work day sometimes. #tellmedoyouthinkImdumb
So what's on your mind today?
Don't forget - tomorrow Thankful Thursday Linkup
I didn't know they were having a mystery contestant! I hope it is Chris! He was brutally awkward in the WTA on Monday. Poor guy!
ReplyDeleteI feel like Chris has to be the DWTS mystery contestant - can't believe next week is the Bachelor finale already! Boo to more snow!!
ReplyDeleteI didn't know anything about half of the things you talked about. I really must get my head out of the sand. lol
ReplyDeleteI thought they had confirmed that he was the mystery dancer...did I make that up? lol! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston
ReplyDeletemeanwhile I really hope we have a snow day tomorrow!
We've been getting snow & sleet all morning, our 2nd round in a week. I don't feel like I can complain though, we haven't got that much!
ReplyDeletei totally agree about the painting thing. that was rude and not what they asked for, regardless of opinions. i haven
ReplyDeletet heard there was a mystery dancer. hope you get some bread!
Yikes, another foot of snow in March? That's rough! I love that Meghan Trainor song too. I listen to the Meghan Trainor station on spotify at the gym #noshame
ReplyDeleteYes, that President Clinton portrait is so unfair - what a jerk of a painter! And haha I love that French Toast ecard. Must be true! Good luck with all the snow :(