... I can't believe we're in November & most of our trees still have leaves... & they're GREEN. Haven't even changed color. It's been so warm out! Yesterday & today, in the 80's. I AM LOVING IT!!!!!!!! I am not the biggest fan of the cold so I'm rooting on the warmer temps for as long as possible.
... Coming back to work after vacation & getting caught up with a pile of work sort of drains the purpose of a vacation. You work so hard to get everything caught up to leave & then the pile is exhausting when you come back. Its why I really do like to take many long weekends throughout the year instead of a full week.

... I've come to find out while on vacation, if I didn't work, life would look so differently. 1. My house would stay clean. 2. My laundry bin would stay empty 3. I'd have dinner ready for Ricky every night when he got home... but also 4. I'd probably never put on anything but yoga pants & tennis shoes & 5. Make up would be a rarity.
oh, add in #6 - the dogs would be the happiest creatures on the face of the earth having someone home with them all the time.
... Halloween always has been my favorite holiday. All the candy. All the fun dressing up. & I used to do it UP when we lived in Louisville. But ever since we moved away from the 'big city' we get zero trick or treaters. Nada. Zilch. I always get so sad about that. I live vicariously through Facebook & Instagram & all the cute pictures everyone puts up. I need to start volunteering somewhere on Halloween that does something for kids so I can enjoy it & help others. I wonder if Children's Hospitals do anything.... mmm... an idea!
... my eye is about 50% better. Which means its still about 50% not better. Driving me nuts. Especially being back at work looking at paper all day & computer screens. He did say it would be 2-3 weeks & its just been a little over a week so trying to hang in there.
... people are just funny... or crazy. Take your pick. Did you see where people were expecting the Starbucks Red Cup to come out the day after Halloween & apparently they were using this new GREEN one. - which isn't even their "Holiday Cup" - just something to speak how we're all connected... blah blah blah... I guess trying to soothe everyone before the BIG VOTE next week. Anyways... people were freaking out & going nuts on Twitter about it. Like loosing their cool. Over a cup. Let's think back to last year & the Red Cup Fiasco that went nutso too. ... People. It's a cup. I never hear anyone complain about the 99 cent coffee cup you get from a gas station that never changes it up. Calm down everyone.
... OK - true confession time. I do like getting a Starbucks red cup.
That's marketing at its finest that people do freak out that much over a cup.
I'd be happy with the green cup too.
...Anyone else see pictures of friends with their Christmas trees already up? ... yep... its happening. I guarantee that by this weekend, a house down the street from us will have their Christmas tree lights on. They usually get them up the day after Halloween so it'll happen any second now. I personally put ours up the week of Thanksgiving but I can see wanting to enjoy the pretty decorations of Christmas as long as possible.
... I cant believe it. I didn't put up one fall decoration this year. Fall decorating is my favorite... & I totally failed at pulling out even the first pumpkin. Wait - I take that back. I do have my glass pumpkin full of candy in it - because - hello - Candy! But I didn't pull out one leaf garland, one jack o lantern, one porch decoration, one black cat or haunted house decoration - nothing. I guess that's what happens when life is so busy you cant even care about decorations.
... I dont want to talk about the time change this weekend. The sun setting at 5:30? ... call me when Spring comes back.

So what's on your chest to confess today?
No worries--the red cup will be in stores on Nov 10th! Yay!
ReplyDeleteI'm avoiding thinking about the time change too. But I can't put it off too much longer. And I hadn't heard about the uproar around the Starbucks cup. Hopefully I can continue avoiding that too!
ReplyDeletewhy are people so crazy over those cups? i remember the red cup fiasco last year and wondered why everyone was losing their shit OVER A CUP. if that's not a first world problem, i dont know what is.
ReplyDeleteI'm so upset about turning the clocks back. Why do we even do it anymore. It's so antiquated. I hate being up before the sun is. My sister was telling me how people were freaking out about the cups. What is wrong with people. There are bigger problems in the world than not having a red cup. With that being said, I do like the red cups. haha
ReplyDeleteIt used to be a bummer when the time changed - but not too big a deal 'cause I would get an extra hour of sleep (which now I realize is a joke since it only happens on one day & we get it snatched back in the Spring...but the older I get the more it seems to drag me down. Getting up well before sunrise, and leaving work at or after sunset? It takes a toll. A big goal of mine is going to be 30 mins + of sunshine every day - which, not entirely possible in dreary Pittsburgh sometimes, but I'm going to actively use my lunchbreaks to BE OUTSIDE!
ReplyDeleteHahaha- I just saw that Bob's Burgers meme on FB and cracked up there, too! To be totally honest, I love the Starbucks Caramel Brulee latte 10xs more than the PSL! (I mean, I like PSL, but the Caramel Brulee is h.e.a.v.e.n.l.y.)
ReplyDeleteK has a business trip coming up soon so I think I'll put the Xmas stuff while he's gone, haha. Unless it's still 70 degrees- I just can't get into the winter mood with 70 degres outside.
The time change is horrible! It's miserable when it gets dark so early. Oh and we don't have Thanksgiving here to hold back the tide of Christmas decorations; I saw them all going up in town earlier. Sigh. I get so scroogey around this time of year...
ReplyDeleteI love being back in Arizona and NO daylight savings!!! I also love that daylight savings now makes me only 1/2 hours apart from my kids instead of 2/3 hours! Much easier to arrange FaceTime talks!!!
ReplyDeleteAre you still having to wear your patch?
Crap, I forgot DST is rpthat week! I confess I love the red cup too, whatever is festive, I just wanna be festive, lol. Hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday!!
ReplyDeleteI find it so ridiculous that people get in an uproar about cups!! So silly!!! And honestly, it works for Starbucks because now people who probably didn't even know about the cups will go this week just to see what others are talking about. Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteI will be putting my Christmas stuff up early this year since my due date is way to close to Thanksgiving!!! I didn't put up any fall stuff knowing it wouldn't be up long and to be honest I have been super depressed that it is still in the 80s here and so dang hot that I haven't gotten in to the fall spirit yet. We are supposed to get a cold front Thursday night....bringing temps to the 70s during the day. Whatever. I will take it!!! Glad you eye is at least 50% better! Hope it continues healing quickly.
Coming back after a long vacation is always rough. I'm with you, I like extended weekends and taking days off here and there to find a good work-life balance.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh the Starbucks cup craziness makes NO sense to me! I mean, I'm with you, I LOVE red cup season, but the controversy over this temporary cup design and over last year's red cups made me roll my eyes! Since it's our first year in a house we're going to get our first REAL Christmas tree! And then we decided after Christmas we'll buy a fake one on sale hahaha. We just felt like we needed ONE real one! :)
ReplyDeleteUgh. I forget daylight savings is this weekend. I dislike that sooooo much. I don't understand why people get so freaked out over Starbucks cups. They are cups! And yes - vacations are so good but coming back to work is sooooo hard. And yes, when you work at home, you do live in t-shirts and yoga pants. And sometimes it's mid-afternoon and you still realize you're wearing your pjs (t-shirts and shorts) and are like, eh. Why bother changing now? Going to bed in a few hours. :) My Mom decorates right after Thanksgiving and I miss helping her decorate. My grandma is likely already rocking Christmas music. It's her favorite!
ReplyDeleteI totally hear ya. I'm going on vacation next week and I've been doing so much at work to prepare. I know when I get back, I'll have oodles to work to do for catching up too.
ReplyDeleteYes, I've seen a few friends who have done their Christmas decorations so far. YIKES! It's still fall, friends!
Oooh glad the eye is 50% better already! :) We kind of forgot to fall decorate too. We did do jack o'lanterns the weekend before halloween, and halloween stuff the day before halloween... but nothing fall-like. Maybe I'll attempt it pre-thanksgiving. There's been no discussion of when our tree will go up.. but.. I've been watching those AWFUL/AMAZING Hallmark xmas movies... so it's only a matter of time. I love my "day off" - I'm 80% time at my 9-5. So I have one day a week where I work on my stationery stuff, blogging, and I do a lot of the cooking/dishes/laundry then as well. It's a bummer that I'm not always working from home... I love being on top of those things!! I am not about to flip out over cups, but I do enjoy their seasonal marketing. :) XO - Alexandra
ReplyDeleteSimply Alexandra: My Favorite Things
I know!, The leaves won't turn or fall here in Louisiana either! Such a bummer! I had totally forgotten about the red cup fiasco last year! And, unlike you, I am so looking forward to DST! Bring it!!
ReplyDeleteOh, lady, I've been thinking of you! I hope your eye doesn't take the full 2-3 weeks to get better! I'm so bummed it's Daylight Saving Time again. I hate it when it gets dark so quickly!
ReplyDeleteI secretly love turning the clocks back. And I love cozy nights...all those years in Alaska turned me into someone I barely recognize ha ha.
ReplyDeleteI don't know that I could put my tree up yet though...maybe the week of Thanksgiving?
I cannot believe the rage over a cup. It's a cup. It'll be in the trash when you're finished. Let it go.
ReplyDeleteI love setting the clocks back. I'd much rather it be dark at 5:30PM than 5:30AM when I'm waking up.
I still can't believe the red cup controversy. Ugh. When working in retail, I would sometimes say "Happy holidays" and people would bark at me for not saying "Merry Christmas". (I say "Happy Holidays" because I am wishing you a happy Christmas Eve, Day, and New Year's Eve and Day.) I would also rather have more three-day weekends instead of a week off. More fun spread out.