Wednesday, January 02, 2019

One Sentence a Day {December 2018}

Here to go... last one of the year... the end of 2018 (THANK GOD)... but December is always a big month for us wtih Ricky's Birthday, my birthday, & of course, the BIG GUY'S birthday :)  Let's see what December looked like One Sentence a Day

Image result for knit by gods hand one sentence a day

1.  Never even got out of my sweat pants all day long. #whatsaturdaysarefor

2.  It was tough at HSM saying good bye to my girls since I probably wont see them the whole month of December in thanks to my surgery this week. #willmissthem

3. My sweet husband let me pick out dinner for my last day of being able to eat normal for awhile. #herewego

4.  Colonoscopy preps have to be a version of hell. #bathroomismyhome

5.  Tap one up for a vegetarian lifestyle for a clean & healthy colon #mydaddywouldbesohappy

6.  They were able to do the fistulotomy!!!!! #thankyoufortheprayers

7.  The retreat to my bed has begun #andalloftheknitting

Day after surgery selfie

8.  I watched so much Netflix in one day, my brain feels like its on overdrive. #healingadventures

9. Knitting & Netflix. #mylife

10.  My brother & momma came to visit me today. #lovemyfamily

11.  In total shock to find out a long time friend has had a heart attack & is in a coma & may not survive. #2018justwontstop #praying #sameage

12.  I just sat & cried my eyes out when another abscess is forming after all this surgery. #willitneverend

13. My friend passed away. #Icantbelieveit

14. Went to the doctor for a check up & she's giving me antibiotics to wave off any abscess #pleaseLordletitwork

15. So glad its the weekend & the hubs is back home with me. #missedhimallweekhomealone

16.  Finished my binge of The Haunting of Hill House & man, that was a good show!!! #stickswithyou

Image result for haunting of hill house

17.  Moved onto to Fuller House season 4! #lovethisshow

18.  Went to the funeral of my friend & just was heart broken watching her husband & children. #tooyoung

19.  Trying to finish up all the Christmas knitting. #myhandsarestiff

20. BACK TO WORK!!!! #iamtired #notusedtowalkingthatmuch

21  Half the office... & downtown... seems like they're already off for the holidays. #notraffic #emptyoffices

22.  Got to celebrate Christmas with my Vincent family in jammies. #needtodothiseveryyear

23. Excited to go to church with the Hubs to hear the Christmas sermon. #HOPEhascome

24.  Celebrated the hubby's birthday and then we tackled our first Christmas without my daddy. #rollercoasteremotionday

Loved my dress with dogs in Santa hats #ChristmasEveoutfit

25.  Happy Birthday Jesus!!!! #lazydaywithhubby

Christmas Breakfast at its finest

26.  Back to work & back to the surgeon, who told me she was going to go ahead & snip the stitches out & I was like, WHAT? #hadnoideaievenhadstitches

27.  So many coworkers around that are sick & still coming & staying at work. #GOHOME #DONTCOMEBACKTILLHEALTHY #STOPSPREADINGYOURGERMS

28.  It was so crazy busy at work, I honestly felt like I blinked & it was time to go. #dontmindbusy

29.  Should have been cleaning my house on a Saturday, but ended up working on a puzzle all day long. #sorrynotsorry

30.  Love when a birthday falls on a weekend! #hello47

31.  Had every intention to stay up to midnight & gave Ricky so much grief for being so tired.... & I ended up being the one asleep by 10pm #ohwell #wokeupto2019anyways


This is totally me seeing 2018 out of here!!!

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& feel free to join in with us every month to link up with others & see what the month looks like One Sentence a Day.  The link up is the first Tuesday of every month. It really is nice to look back over your year this way. Funny how one little sentence can bring back a full day of memories.

ONTO 2019!!!

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