Favorite Disney Shirt
Favorite Side Table
That basket is just the cutest idea.
Perfect for blankets - or books - or of course, yarn!!!
Favorite Beauty & the Beast

How cute are these luggage tags?
Perfect for traveling!
Click the pic for Etsy link!
Favorite Notepads
These would just be the funniest to use at work!
Favorite Boots
OK - these combat boots are super cute!
& they come in so many colors too!!!
The zipper pocket? A bonus!
Favorite Ottoman
It holds SHOES!!!!
How genius is this????
Favorite Funnies

.... me every morning I have to leave my dogs to go to work

... how I defend any news I've heard lately

... when I started keeping a budget & seeing how much I spent at Starbucks in a month

...me at 4:30pm today

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