Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday Favorites

Image result for knit by god's hand friday favorites
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Favorite Halloween Tee

Come We Fly T-Shirt

Favorite Banners

OK... I love a double use product.
One side is perfect for Halloween

the other, perfect for Thanksgiving!!!

Favorite Bathroom Helper

This holds your shower curtain in place!
WHAT??? Genius!!!

Favorite Pumpkin

Click pic for directions on how to make

Favorite Fall Hat

Nordstrom Refined Floppy Wool Felt Hat

Favorite Feet Help

I actually got a similar one of these to help with my plantar facisitis
The one I got has a space for both of your feet.
You can feel it just digging into the inflammation - love it!
This one is only $6.95 - cant beat it!

Favorite Slippers

I always want new warm slippers for the cold seasons

Favorite Push Pins

When you have cubicle walls, cute push pins are a must!

Favorite Motivation

300 Motivational Inspirational Quotes For Success Life Sayings 49

Favorite Funnies

Morning Funny Meme Dump 36 Pics

... how I feel when I sneak to go to the bathroom at 2am to pee & dont wake up the dogs

GIPHY! ( June 18, 2014 at 06:58PM

... me at Hobby Lobby on a SUNDAY!!!!

GIPHY! ( July 14, 2019 at 02:06AM

... when the hubs tries to fold his shirts the Marie Kondo method

GIPHY! ( October 3, 2019 at 03:56PM

... me at 4:30pm today

GIPHY! ( July 30, 2013 at 11:17AM

Happy weekend y'all!


  1. Cuuuute Friday memes! Have a great weekend!

  2. You know I’m totally going to have to try and create that little pumpkin! So stinking cute. You’ve made me laugh once again my beautiful friend and have a great weekend!

  3. That's probably the cutest Hocus Pocus shirt I've seen.

    The carseat cover: hilarious.

    Have a good weekend!

  4. “Wallet glasses keys and phone” LOL so true! I love all of these and look forward to them every week!

  5. I love those owl push pins! I’m always trying to scrounge around the office for pins for the cubicle walls, maybe I should just get these instead!

  6. I always enjoy your Friday Favorites. They usually make me laugh and today was no exception.

  7. Every one of these made me laugh! You are so good at picking these things out. That pumpkin is so sweet! Would be a great Bambi pumpkin if you were doing a Disney theme! I'm hoping to decorate my pumpkin tonight!

  8. That shower curtain clip is perfect! It's so annoying when it moves all around. That pumpkin is adorable too. New slippers are on my Christmas list. I hope you have a great weekend!

  9. As always I love your favorites! Cute t-shirt and the house decorations are really nice. Great shower curtain holders and of course the deer pumpkin is adorable. My daughter would love those push pins. Enjoy your weekend.

  10. Your Friday Fave's are the bomb! Love the Hocus Pocus shirt! Only the best Halloween movie EVER. The skirt thing...I'd probably have done that had those covers existed back when I had babies. The funnies? Killing me! Pretty sure every dog owner knows the Riddler Victory Dance!

  11. Great favorites, don't worry fails like with a skirt happen to everyone hehe :**Regards

  12. Hahahahahaha the Tory Burch shoes one!!!! I love the narrator memes. I love that deer pumpkin, so sweet! And that shower curtain holder is genius.

  13. Awe... that deer pumpkin is super cute. :)

  14. Those shower curtain clips are genius! I always enjoy your Friday posts and thanks for the giggles at the end! Have a good weekend, my friend!!

  15. That pumpkin is SO cute. I didn't get any pumpkins to decorate this year. :(

  16. The cat and the bank account! Yes! Chuck and I were JUST talking about that very thing! :)

  17. YOU make me smile. Thank you!! I pinned the genius shower curtain holder. And all of the adorable memes.


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