Friday, November 15, 2019

Friday Favorites

Image result for knit by god's hand friday favorites
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Favorite Smile Giver

I love sending cards... & even more, I love little things to tuck into cards.
How cute are these little cards?
Perfect for people to keep in books or in a planner or just tack up on the fridge.
Who doesnt love a beautiful reminder that you're loved?

Favorite Phone/Wallet

Rae Phone Crossbody

So this is an Oprah's Favorite!
I always love these sorts of things for phones - I love having light weight to carry & having my hands free for Christmas shopping - or going to concerts - or running out to lunch.

Favorite Art Project

Pink Picasso Adult Paint by Numbers Kit
I've seen many of these for a few months & I've always wanted to try it.
This one looks like a good legit picture at the end - not some cartoon looking thing.
Another Oprah Holiday pick.  Oprah aint gonna have a cheesy looking picture.
Check out all the designs you can paint.
This would be great to do for a Lady's Night together too!

Favorite Nightgown

Lands' End Long-Sleeved Print Flannel Nightshirt

OK - I should just let Oprah present this post
Another one of her favorites.
I love anything plaid anyways - but with hot flashes hitting me now, I like that I can throw my legs out from under the cover & get air on them & cool down.
I am struggling with things on my legs now - even when its cold out!
GRRR... being a woman is tough.
At least I can look cute now at night in my comfy gown

Favorite Environmental Friendly Bags
Baggu Standard Reusable Shopping Bag 3-Pack
I am a big fan of these anyways - I gave so many away one Christmas to EVERYONE I knew.
But look at these beautiful designs.
Bags getting all fancy!

Favorite Winter Friend

I've talked many times how the time change & the darkness of winter just about kills me.
I need this baby... & would just sit in front of it ALL THE TIME!

Favorite Door Mat

Favorite Funnies

Morning Funny Meme Dump 38 Pics

Morning Funny Meme Dump 35 Pics

Morning Funny Meme Dump 38 Pics

Morning Funny Meme Dump 36 Pics

Morning Funny Meme Dump 38 Pics

Morning Funny Meme Dump 37 Pics

Morning Funny Meme Dump 38 Pics

Afternoon Funny Meme Dump 40 Pics

Morning Funny Meme Dump 37 Pics

... when I walk into any craft store

GIPHY! ( September 19, 2019 at 02:43PM

... when I look at all the Black Friday sales ads

GIPHY! ( November 3, 2016 at 02:51PM

... every day about 10 minutes after I leave my house & wonder if I shut off the coffee pot & locked the doors

GIPHY! ( October 29, 2019 at 01:18PM

.... when I tell people I cant make it because I have plans on Friday night

GIPHY! ( March 26, 2013 at 12:49AM

... when I tell my youth kids why they shouldnt do bad things

GIPHY! ( November 4, 2015 at 07:03PM

... me at 4:30pm
GIPHY! ( October 29, 2019 at 01:20PM

Happy weekend Y'all!!!


  1. I have a paint by number kit I won from a blog giveaway. I started it but haven't worked on it in awhile!

  2. Oh my gosh. The gas one is my husband. He has apps for tracking gas prices and all kinds of ways to get extra cents off.

  3. I love the nightgown!! I am totally into sleeping in those lately; I've always been a sweats girl before.

  4. My dad would send us 5 miles away to get gas that was just a few cents cheaper ... but that was when gas hovered around 99 cents. He refused to stop if gas was over a dollar and he KNEW there was a cheaper station up the road. Dads are awesome ��

  5. Bahahaha yes to the gas prices. The funny thing is that's Ryan in a nutshell...and I tell him, but it's just 19 gallons and two cents per gallon. That's, like, not worth the drive haha

  6. Happy weekend! Love the 27 cookies giggle! Have a blessed weekend, friend!

  7. What is that Favorite winter find? Is it some kind of light?

  8. People in Alaska had "happy" lights that they'd sit in front of in the winter. I didn't :)

    The taxi/Poland thing would be my husband.

    Also, have you ever tried explaining to a therapist about your family? lol It's the most confusing thing in the world, to describe people they've never met and only hear your POV on haha.

  9. Love the nightshirt and that Oprah's Favorite is really cute. She wiped out Amazon on that one!


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