Sorry blog friends....
No weekend recap today. Hopefully I'll get it up tonight.
I've used the phrase "Better late than never" more than once the past few weeks. That's a little insight into how my world seems to be going lately.
Actually, I have a reason for this one... I was putting up some new ornaments on our tree after I had eaten lunch & man, its like some troll jumped into my stomach & was doing some sort of disco dance. I felt horrible.
I even went over to take care of the horses & see my mom & I walked in her house & was there MAYBE all of 2 minutes before I was like, "I GOTTA GO" & I left & went back to get on the couch.
Being nauseated has got to be what Hell consists of. I'm sure of it.
So I'll try & get my weekend post up later. If it doesnt throw me off too bad. I'm one of those people that if I'm not on my regular schedule, I'm all in a frenzy. That being said, who knows if my weekend post will go up - just know that it was awesome - all up until the troll disco party - & most of it will even be in my Thankful Thursday.... so there's that.
On a side note... I had to go back to Disqus. Mainly for a few reasons.
1. I've had so many people tell me they couldnt post comments using the Blogger format. That's frustrating.
2. It was like 95% of the people that did comment, they were a "No-Reply" return email... I think Blogger is slowly doing that thing where they change people's information without people knowing. Happens ALL the time. People that I know I used to be able to reply - all of a sudden, nope.
3. My Anonymous comments are totally out of control for some reason all of a sudden. In one day, I looked & I had over 100 of these. If I go to Disqus, I dont even have to go in & delete them or mark them as Spam - I can just bypass the email. Aint no body got time for that. Anyone else having spam comments on the increase lately?
Hopefully everyone can comment again... geez.
There's that....
Hope everyone had a great weekend & Monday is super kind to you!
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