1 - Tues / Took advantage of the fluke 65 degree day & got a walk in at the park... along with everyone else. #SneakPeekofSpring
2 - Wed / Probably way too excited that Real Housewives of New Jersey is back on #Bringonthecrazy
3 - Thurs / Winter Storm rolling through gave us a work from home day #iceicebaby
4 - Fri / Another work from home day #Imnotsadaboutit
5 - Sat / Our driveway looks like an Olympic Winter obstacle #wheeeeeee
6 - Sun / Took my Kindle to read while Hubby went into his happy place. #onlywenttohelpliftwood
7 - Mon / I'm ready for the snow & ice to melt PLEASE! #comeonSpring
8 - Tues / Today was a rough day with a horrible headache that wiped me out the rest of the day #doigetmigrainesnow?
9 - Wed / Trying to talk mom through fixing her phone for an hour #timetobuyanewone
10 - Thurs / I literally sat in the same chair for 3 hours to get my retina's looked at #Drivinghomeinthedark #withdilatedeyes
11 - Fri / Got some Valentine's Sweaters just in time for the big day #allthehearts
12 - Sat / Boob Squish Day!!! #getthatmammogram
13 - Sun / Took my momma out shopping & I was the only person in the store with a mask on #nocares #illwearitforever #germaphobe #youdoyou #illdome
14 - Mon / Came home to the most beautiful flowers in a vase that I'm obsessed with #willkeepthisforever
15 - Tues / Hello Fresh is making me feel like I am an actual cook. #alltheyummies
16 - Wed / Hubby's best friend passed away after fighting for over a month the effects of COVID #RIPfriend #skateon
17 - Thurs / Always such a relief to get that all clear from your Mammogram #Whew
18 - Fri / My mom has run out of propane again. #BRRR #freezinghouse
19 - Sat / I finally got around to watching Cruella & I absolutely LOVED it!!! #emmastoneisamazing
20 - Sun / Another little glimpse of Spring had me walking at the park for an hour #givemethesunshine
21 - Mon / Mom finally got some propane to warm that house up #eventhoughits70degrees
22 - Tues / Hair Day!!!!! #byebyegray
23 - Wed / Struggling with some horrible headaches #justwanttogetinbed
24 - Thurs / Choked up so hard when Hubby fist bumped his best friend's casket as we said goodbye #RIPourfriend
25 - Fri / I have never been more glad for a weekend in my life #longestweek
26 - Sat / Binging Inventing Anna #crazystuff
27 - Sun / First glimpse of a warmer day (in the high 40's) & I layered up & sat outside to read after a walk #getmyreadingchairready
28 - Mon / How are we 2 months in the year already? #flyingby
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