Thursday, April 03, 2008


I am & always will be a dog person. I can't get enough of them - we have 4 & if it were up to me, I'd have 4 more! Ricky has to pull the reigns on that one - but dont let him fool you - he's the one who brought the last 2 home himself!

A friend sent me an email about this dog, SkidBoot, & his story just is amazing. You may have seen him before but this story is just too cool! Especially because the dog's "man" just seems to have such a servant's heart.

My favorite line of this is where he says someone told him he has a great ministry because he doesnt even feel like its a ministry at all! Just look at how you can take any sort of talent or gift & use it to Praise the Lord!


  1. Ok, Wow, that is totally a cowboy version of Dad and Sydney all the way!! Who knew Sydney could have been making you guys rich all this time? That guy even sounds like Dad.

  2. Julie - I thought the same thing! I'm going to have to make sure Ricky sees this!

  3. Awwww! How precious is Skidboot (and his owner)! Even his name is precious! That was so uplifting. Thanks for sharing, Rebecca.


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