Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What do Tiger Woods & I have in common?

No, I'm not a pro golfer so if you guessed that, you'd be WRONG!

We both share the same birthday... & for the record, that's ALL we have in common...

Yes!  Taking a break from Christmas pictures (only one more day).  Today is my birthday... & no, this is NOT my cake, but I can dream that its is, right? 

Ricky isnt a big "cake person" so he usually gets me a York Peppermint Patty instead of a cake... not really the same, but oh well.  Maybe I'll go get my own cake this year, or maybe even MAKE my own cake...

This year, for my birthday, I've just been really thinking about my life... anyone ever feel like you're life isnt where you planned it to be?  I mean, I look back in my Senior Memories book & you fill out the page of "where will you be in 10 years"... & about NOTHING is right on that page that is filled out with teenage dreams...

I thought I'd be a teacher, or a pharmacist.... I'm in accounting

I always thought I'd marry a business man with a dark complexion & black hair... I married a red headed Irish rocker... (how funny opposite is that?- haha!!!)

I always thought I'd be a mother & have tons of kids & be an incredible mom... I never had children of my own, but have incredible step daughters that I love as my own.

Other little things that you just think you'll accomplish in your lifetime... but havent really even gotten close to any of those ideas....

And I'm not complaining in any way about the things I have in my life now!  Dont get me wrong - they are all blessings... but when you are 18 & you think about your life, you are 99% going to get it wrong for 20 years down the road...

(Here I am in my Sr. Year... when dreams were BIG)

I tend to ponder these things & then just think, "This must be where God wants me"...

And I'm sure I have veered off the path that He wants me on & have made things WAY more complicated for myself according to the plans He has for me... But I have to believe He veers me right back on a path that He intends for me...

Psalm 139:13-16 (New International Version)

13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me
were written in your book before one of them came to be.

So today on my 38th birthday, I hold onto verse 16... knowing that God is still God... & that means all my days are ordained for me... & He is in charge.

Thank you Lord for loving me through all the years.....thank you for blessing me with another birthday....


  1. Happy Birthday Hottie!!! :) I consider your blog to be one of my many blessings. You truly are one of a kind, and I hope you have a one of a kind birthday!! xoxo

  2. What a great post!! You ARE blessed!!! So VERY blessed!

    Happy Birthday...may 2010 bring you many more of His blessings :)

  3. Happy Birthday, Friend.

    Not only were dreams big way back when, but so was the hair! heehee

    I hope everyone treats you like the princess you are. Go out and buy yourself a HUGE cake!

    P.S. Consider did become a all of the youth you mentor. You were a pharmacist when you doled out medicine to Ricky's daughters (and him too).

    So DID fulfill your dreams!!

  4. Happy Happy Birthday Rebecca!! You are so wonderful and so blessed!! I hope you have the most awesome day!!!

    Lovin the 80's hair! Haha!! =D

  5. Happy Happy Birthday :)

    I think the best thing about DREAMS is that we can always change them.. add to and pursue the ones we still want to achieve and lay the others aside...for our unachieved dreams add to who we are and pave the path to who and what we become!

    I hope all your birthday wishes come true!

  6. Happy Birthday!! I can totally relate to this post, but God's ways are not our ways...I know that full well! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  7. happy birthday!!

    love that senior year pic! i used to have hair like that, too! haha! and still do - when i wake up in the mornings!)

  8. We graduated from HS the same year! And yes, this year I have had those exact same thoughts (what did I want, where have I gone, where am I going, why am I almost 40...).


  9. Happy Birthday to you, sweet friend!!!!!

    Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating you! And may this be your best year yet!!

    Love ya!!

  10. My friend... Happy, Happy Day!!! Reflection... can really stir up some messy feelings can't it?! What a shame that when we are 18 and making those BIG dreams, we don't often include God in them, huh? The blessing... now you include him in EVERY decision... and he forgives and forgets those times that we have veered off his path. And he celebrates when we return to the road that he has prepared for us!!!!

    You are a blessing to so many people (me included!).... so while you may not be where YOU had hoped... we are ALL glad you are just where you are!!!!!

    Love you.....

  11. Happy Birthday beautiful!!!

    I LOVE your Senior picture!! So cute!!!

    Have a Beautiful day friend,

  12. Big dreams, big hair. Love the senior picture!

    Great verse! My "life verse" is Jeremiah 29:11. Gives me such comfort.

    Happy birthday, Rebecca! Hope you get some cake, one way or another.

  13. Happy Birthday!!
    Oh, I wish I would have known sooner :)

    Nobody's life is how they planned it to be because we do not have the mind of Christ. His plans are always so much better, whether we realize it or not.

    I hope you have a great, great day, sweet friend!

  14. Happy Birthday!!! May your day be sweet!!! GO buy that cake! Or one like it, it's beautiful!!!

    Blessings to you this day!

  15. Happy Birthday!!
    Thanks for the note of encouragement on my blog! It helped more than you know! I hope that the new year brings many blessings for you and that you are feeling better as well! Love and hugs!

  16. Happy birthday, Rebecca Jo!!! I hope you have a wonderful day.

  17. Happy Birthday!! 38!! Sheesh! I about cracked up because I'm just about 5 years older than you & back in the high school days - we would have never crossed paths as that would have been so uncool to hang out with someone still in middle school!
    ANyways, love this post & as always love your perspective & outlook! Enjoy your peppermint patty!
    Hugs a plenty! Jane

  18. Happy Birthday! You sound like you do indeed have a blessed life (well, maybe not the Accounting life :-)

    As I am still celebrating my 51-and-how-the-hell-did-I-get-here birthday, I think I'm one of the lucky/cursed folks who never did (and still don't) know 'who I want to be when I grow up'. Today, that not knowing is a blessing for it allows me to live in the moment guided by only God's plan for me.

    This used to be only words to live by, but as you will learn, I have lived it everyday for many years.

    So, as my birthday gift to you, please allow me to send you (and all who read this) the link to a free cover-to-cover read of my book, no strings attached, really! (I know, hard to believe these days :-)

    Just sign up here: no experts needed dot com....It's simply my way of giving back.

    Continue the celebration because many people in your life are so very happy you were born!

    take care,

  19. Happy Birthday!! If you lived closer, I would make you a special birthday cake. Hope you have a wonderful day & that 2010 is filled with many more blessings in your life.

  20. Happy Birthday!Stopping by from SITS!

  21. Happy Birthday!! We've said the same thing before that God had us right where we need and needed to be, or else we wouldn't have met! You look so cute and beautiful! I hope you have a wonderful day!

  22. Happy Birthday my dear, loving the verse.

    Much love and loving that cake I can to wish for that amazing cake. Rick not so much of a thinking of needing to get a cake. :)


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