Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What is that?

Can you tell what this is from this first picture?

How about if I take another picture that isn't so blurry?  Know what that is?

If you guess snow balls attached all over a dog, then you guessed right!

6 inches of snow on little dogs is rough!  Zoe came in & just stared at me.  I got a towel & wrapped her up in it & just held her.  She's not the type of dog who likes to be held either, but she was shivering & she just let me hold her tight in this warm towel until it was all melted....

Life is rough when you have to pee outside!


  1. It's a good thing I live where it's warm because I don't think my dog could handle doing his "business" in the snow!! Poor little Zoe!!!

  2. Oh gosh that poor little dog! Can't catch a break! Poor baby, just trying to piddle & ended up covered in snow! Oh the troubles he's seen!

  3. Poor Zoe.... then little Bruno... too "round" to do much snow bouncing I bet... and Sydney with bad hips... and Buffy... tall enough to go, but older and it is so cold... yep... I think Ricky needs to just shovel off the ENTIRE back yard for your little fur babies!!!! ;)

  4. Our little Ellie is such a sport, hopping over the drifts to get out there and go (potty, that is). But when the snow was coming down fast, she just sat at the doorway with a look that said, "you expect me to go out in THAT?!".

    Love the pic of her all snuggled up in the towel!

  5. Aww...poor baby! She is such a doll all snuggled up!

  6. Awww poor thing! Hope it didn't take her long to warm up! Our boys don't like this snow stuff either.

  7. We haven't had the snow but we've had freezing temps. Our miniature weiner dog won't even go pee outside ~ she just stands there & shivers and then comes in and does her business. It's crazy so I understand your dog's dislike of the snow.

  8. LOL.... poor thing!!!!! We humans have it easy, ha!!

  9. Awwww, that reminds me of my childhood dog "sugar". She would always get those snowballs stuck to her fur!

  10. Couldn't be any cuter than that adorable puppy! Ice and ALL!


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