Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Close up....

Look at the picture of this art work....

A pretty cool wall mural, dont you think?

Here's another one...

I just love the shadowing of the art work... so "Renessaniance"... I love the art work of that time because women werent SKINNY sticks - but real...

But look again at it a little closer...

Look at that butt!! I want a butt with muscle tone like that!  - haha!!!

But now, look REALLY close... look what these projects are really made out of....

STAPLES!!! Can you believe it!  Over 35,000 staples used on this project alone...I believe it was created by a artist in Germany. My brother, being the artist he is, found this & sent it to me...

But isnt it amazing to see it close up - to see what its really made out of? 

And even if you didnt REALLY like it at first, once you see what its made out of, you have to look again at the art work & then for me, I get a new appreciation of it - to really take in the uniqueness of it all...

Then, that Sneaky God, once again (I think I need to give God a hommie nickname like SG for Sneaky God) - really spoke to me on how we do that to people.  See them from a distance - make a quick judgement & dont really get up close to see the uniqueness that is involved.  And if you do get close up, & you see how special that person is, you step back again & see a different person - someone who you're glad you took the time to look at & get to know...

Is there someone in your life you need to take a closer look at?  Get to see how unique God made them?

"Stop judging by mere appearances, & make a right judgement" -John 7:24 


  1. OMG! That is amazing! So cool!


  2. That is so cool! I cant even imagine how long that must have taken. And I loved your message....it is SO true!

  3. Wow...that artwork blows me away...all made from STAPLES!!! Unbelievable! I am in complete agreement with your take on judging others. We really need to see what's on the inside of a person...that's what truly matters.

  4. Hi, stopping by from SITS. That is very interesting art work! so creative and clever. I so agree, people make rash judgements all the time based on a person's appearance, their name or the stereo types of their culture. Too many miss out on the opportunities to know and have a relationship with someone that could turn out to be the best friend one ever had.

  5. Thanks for stopping at my page through SITS! I couldn't agree more with the point of your post. I have made some great friendships with people who I wouldn't have normally given a second chance to. I am truly blessed that God has changed my heart and does so every day.

    Those murals are amazing! That took a very talented person to be able to create those. Thanks for sharing.

  6. What an amazing insight! Thank you for sharing! :)

  7. Get out that is AMAZING. I absolutely LOVE your analogy to go with it. So so true.

  8. I love your analogy - very cool. Although I still can't even believe that those are staples. Insanity.

  9. Wow awesome God definately moves in mysterious ways. And your message was so true. Bravo and God bless.

  10. Oh how I've missed your posts! I love this so much! That is absolutely brilliant artwork and the analogy of course... always hits home in the most perfect way.

  11. Wow that is just amazing...

    We have a huge stuff dog that Alyce loves..

    Have a great Tuesday..

  12. That is crazy!!! That must have taken forever! I love them!

  13. Beuaty is in the eye of the beholder for sure, that is amazing

  14. OOOHHHH! I like how you tied that together.

    I answered your question on my blog....but I cant remember what you asked...and it was probably a rhetorical question anyway, but i dont care because I'm having so much fun answering all the questions I've been asked lately even rhetorical questions. DEEP breath. Okay?

  15. wow - that is incredible - I love art that makes you stop and think.

  16. LOVE this post and you really put into words perfectly some of what has been running around in my head lately!!! Thank you!

    Oh, and about your comment about my nails in the picture on my blog...I worried about that too, but I started with the purple and did a couple strokes with the brush, let it dry a bit and then did the pink. Same for the second coat and it seemed to work pretty well....you should give it a try ;)!!

  17. Those are amazing. I have a ton of respect for artists.

  18. That's awesome!!!

    And you're so right. We are, at times, so quick to judge. I know I've had to work hard my whole life to NOT judge because it comes to me so quickly, sadly.


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