Wednesday, April 28, 2010

In case you didn't know...

My dad always has the best talk with the twins.....

The other day he was taking them home trying to convince them that he knew everything... to which Madi replied, "You dont know what God wears"....

He said without missing a beat, she said "He wears a blue hat with a feather in it.... and when he takes it off, he still has another cap on!"

Where do they get this stuff from? 

So next time you see a man walking around with a blue hat on... be alert... you just may be walking by God!


  1. grandfather's are special. very cool that your dad lives close!

    I'll be watching for that blue hat!

  2. lol from the mouths of babes and grandfathers. Our granddaughter called yesterday and wanted to know what ingredients are in bubbles. We all thought soap and water. Well lo and behold we would have been wrong because a third ingredient is corn syrup. Now don't ask me for the exact recipe, because I did not get that info. Who would have thought.

  3. It's amazing what kind of conceptions we get of God (and not just children!).

  4. Your dad sounds like an incredibly fun guy :-)


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