Friday, April 02, 2010

Placing your life....

 By now it was noon.  The whole earth became dark, the darkness lasting three hours - a total blackout.  The Temple curtain split right down the middle. 
Jesus called loudly, "Father, I place my life in your hands!" 
Then he breathed his last.
-Luke 23:44-46

On this Good Friday, and ever day, I pray we look to our Heavenly Father & we place our own live in His hands... There's no better place for us to be...


  1. happy Easter :-) hope your weekend is wonderful!

  2. I was thinking about this exact photo this a.m. (well, not THIS one, but one of Jesus on the cross) and how it must have felt to be put onto that cross. Happy Easter!

  3. Praise His Name!!!

    Love you friend ~~ Dawn

  4. What a great reminder... The picture alone makes me thankful and grateful for what He did for us.

    Thanks for sharing...


  5. Amen! I hope you have a wonderful Easter full of the presence of the Lord!

  6. Just beautiful, friend!!! Love you! Happy Easter!!! :)


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