Sunday, January 30, 2011

Project 365... 2011: Week 5

Are you kidding me?  We're through January?  Geez... at this rate, its going to be my 40th birthday before I know it (which is at the end of December) haha!!  So here's my week in pictures:

Sunday - Jan 23 - "I'm going to be on the REAL YouTube?" .... We filmed a 4 series skit for church.  It is being filmed in the format of "The Office" so you need what?  An Office?  So my boss let us use my work area... it was such a weird feeling have my church family in my work environment!  There was a little boy who played a Look-a-like to our main character & he is the most hilarious little boy.  He was told it was going to be on YouTube & his face lit up & he said, "I'm going to be on the REAL YouTube?" ... when we told him it was indeed the REAL YouTube, his reaction was, "I'm going to be a STAR!!!!" ... how cute is that!

Monday - January 24 - It FINALLY happened!!! ... I had to laugh when I didnt mention the Christmas Tree in Friday Fragment & AuburnChick noticed it immediately with her comment, "Does this mean the tree is down?" .... Good catch friend!  Yes - He got it down...into the box!  I asked him, "So do I have to have a tree box in my living room for another 2 months?"... for the record, it did sit there for about 24 hours.  Whew!

Tuesday - January 25 - Its ugly getting pretty.... My 6 week hair appointment.  I always take pictures of the area around so decided to go for the picture of me with my wet hair waiting for the cut.  I still dont have the guts to get my picture with the plastic bag on my head! ;)  Maybe in the future

Wednesday - January 26 - Blurb is my new best friend!!!! .... I have always looked at Blog2Print but they were kinda pricey for me... & then the awesome host of this Project 365 mentioned how she uses "Blurb".  I checked them out.  And they're AWESOME!  You can put the format of your book together & then, its like half the cost!  My book, which was 114 pages was only like $32.00 - & that includes shipping!  It did take a few days to get it together, but to me, it was worth it to have it the way I wanted it & especially for the price!  I feel like I know more now for next years book!  So for all you Project 365'ers - remember Blurb!!  You'll be so glad to have your year in pictures in a book to have forever!

Thursday - Jan 27 - Knitting for a friend... I get such awesome comments about my knitting from you all... I have a blog-friend who I've "talke" with for so long & I just love her.  Carolina Girl is always encouraging, always funny, always real about life!  She's awesome!  I know I will meet her one day in person... even if its meeting up for a half marathon - which I KNOW she can do!!!! :)  It was so fun finding something to knit for her... HUGS lady!  Hope you enjoy it!!!

Friday - January 28 - "Oh my EAARRRSSSS" (said in the best Bart Simpson voice) ... anyone remember that when he said that about Lisa playing her saxaphone?  For some reason, that sticks in my head & I whine when my ears hurt.  I stopped on the way home for some drops because I was miserable the night before & couldnt sleep... I just wanted to sleep this night... hence the drops...

Saturday - January 29 - It only took a little over a year.... OK OK OK... so I cant give Ricky too much grief over the Christmas Tree.  He gave me a sewing machine LAST Christmas & I never have gotten it out of the box.  UNTIL TODAY.  I'm still sick & feeling bad so I just fiddled around my room. And finally got it out.  Its been a dream of mine to learn to sew.  Now, I've got to figure out what to do with this contraption.  I didnt even have any thread to get started learning anything.... this will be my new project... wish me luck!

Anxious to see your week in pictures!  Keep Clicking!!!!


  1. just finished my blurb book...370 pages and will be only $65!!! love it!

    You need to take a class on your machine. seriously, you will be so glad you did!!!

  2. Congrats on the tree being down & gone! :)

    So glad you showed me Blurb. I had already been stressing over how to print my Project 365 book without it costing me a fortune! Will certainly check them out.

    Oh if we only lived closer. My 2011 goal is to learn to sew too but my Brothers machine has been in my box for about 4 years...but I WILL learn this year! Maybe we can encourage each other and share cool "finds".

    Hope you are feeling better today as well. I'm still praying for you!

  3. Okay, I'm off to check out Blurb now!

    If you're looking for friends to knit for... lol

    Hugs & love,

  4. I haven't tried blurb yet, but someday... soon... I hope.

    Good luck with the sewing. I don't think I'm that adventurous, but then again I don't run half marathons either. :)

  5. *SQUEAL* I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I can't wait to wear it, it's so cute I can hardly stand it! You are so stinkin' talented my friend! And YES we will definitely hang IRL one day soon! LORDY can you imagine how much talking we will do? We will get lockjaw! Hahaha!!

    Love you sweet friend!!! xoxo THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. PS I bought a hat at TJ Maxx on clearance the other day for my ski trip, only to have my friend tell me "hey did you know there's a hole in your hat??" DOH! hahaha Figures! So needless to say, yours will be the perfect replacement!

  7. Go Ricky!!! Better late than never right? heehee

    I LOVE that cable knit hat. Girl I'm convinced you can knit ANYTHING!! Still waiting for the football onesie in my size. hahahahahaha =)

    Ok, so I have a sewing machine, and for me it is stressful. I am more of a creative thinker than a pattern thinker. I can do little things with mine, but nothing big like shirts or anything. The sleeves get me everytime. But I know you can do it. You do so well with patterns and knitting. You go girl.

    Oh I hope you are feeling better. And how is your daddy? Praying for y'all.

    Love you bunches,

  8. Definitely sign up for some sewing classes! Otherwise you'll just frustrate yourself (I speak from experience).

    Had fun reading about your week and seeing the accompanying photos!

    Have a wonderful week!

  9. Talking about YouTube and The Office, makes me think of that scene when Michael Scott is going to have a press conference and he says, "I wonder if YouTube will come here and film it" haha

    OOooh The page from your Blurb book looks great!! I'm going to have to remember that.

  10. I'm thinking maybe I better check out this BLURB too. Seems like a good deal. I have thought often about making a book from my blog.
    Looks like you have had a very busy productive week.

  11. Oh, now I might have to check out Blurb. I've seen Blog2 Print but thought they were pricey. I don't do Project 365, now wishing I did. TO have it in book form would be awesome!

    YAY for breaking out the sewing machine! What I did when I was testing out my stitches was just load up the machine with thread and use a scrap peice of fabric to test on. I would recommend doing something like that, just to see how the machine feels when you sew on it and test out the different stitches. Classes are nice to take, but because I have my mom's sewing machine {which is vintage by now! circa 1970's lol} I couldn't take the free classes, so I am pretty much self taught. Although I did have a Home Ec class in high school where we learned a few things. But the internet is a fantastic source for information on doing just about anything. If I'm every confused on a technique, I just google it or search Youtube and there is always something out there! Let me know if you have any questions friend!!!

  12. thanx for passing along that 'blurb' info...will have to check it out...i'm 2 years behind in getting mine printed.
    great pics!!

  13. Ooh - love the purple for Carolina Girl. I'm from North Carolina. Hint hint. Ha!

    I'm disappointed that your tree is gone now - I guess ours will just have to carry on by itself.

    I sure hope you start feeling better soon!


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