Friday, October 07, 2011

Friday Fragments

I'm so lazy today, I'm not even grabbing the button for my header.... THAT's how my Friday is going...

I know I sound like I'm Mrs. Whiney McWhineystein but I cant help it.  My arm is making me miserable.  I have a doctor's appointment on Monday, but wondering if its worth it.  I know they'll just still tell me its Tenditis, which actually its not... that only last 2 weeks I've learned.  So its progressed to "Tendinosis" - which takes up to a year to feel better - IF at all.... did you hear that people?  IF!!!!  Its a breakdown of tendons - not an inflammation.  Not sure what to do about this doctor's appointment.  Waste of time?


I got new insurance!  Which is why I can go back to the doctor... I'm going to enjoy it this year because I know next year, the rates will increase so high, I'll have to go back to the poor-man-version - which is diddly squat.

I'm so excited... doing new photo things this weekend!  I've got a BOY to do senior pictures with.  I've been keeping my eyes on "boy poses" on Pinterest & cant wait to incorporate them.  He wouldnt appreciate holding a flower - not when he's bring his football gear with him.  Maybe I'll put a flower in his helmet?

I've also got a family session with little ones - FUN! .. & doing another family session with grown kids for a Christmas card.  My camera will be getting a work out.... just hoping my arm lasts with all the editing.  (Yes, Whiney McWhineystein is back)

I've got to run 8 miles first thing tomorrow.... my Fall races are going to be here in just a few weeks!  Where did that time go?  Did it RUN by me?  haha!!! Oh, I crack myself up

SPAT OF THE WEEK:  Vacation.... We normally take vacation during our anniversary - which is October 28.  So that would make it the week of October 24-28, right?  So I tell Ricky to tell his work that's when he needs off.  He kept putting it off... putting it off.. & putting it off some more.  Next thing I know, I get a call Monday with Ricky saying, "I cant take off that week - I didnt put in for it & now 3 others are off that week"... really?  So needless to say, we'll be taking our vacation a week early.  Good thing we didnt have tickets to go anywhere.  But now, I better get flowers at my work on our anniversary since I'll be at my desk celebrating....

This is for my sister in law :) haha!!! 

I hate the internet if only that it makes me feel like I'm going to die in a week... & I'm totally serious in that statement...

No offense, I think our country lost a genuis mind - but why all the attention of the guy who died from Apple?  I dont even remember his name - that's how much I know of him.  I do think his mind created AMAZING products.. but the guy that made Doritos died a few weeks ago too & you didnt hear anything. 

Dancing with the Stars Shocker!!! Can you believe who got kicked off this week?  Just know it wasnt Chaz - so you know from that it was an epic fail.  I have to say though, Mark has developed a little attitude, has he not?  I'm pulling for a JR, Ricki Lake, Chynna Phillips Finale!!!


Hope you all are enjoying Fall weather... its absolutely beautiful here with all the color... so much for my dead-leaf theory of last week. 
Have a Fabulous Fall Friday!


  1. You know, when I had surgery on my shoulder two years ago I learned to use the mouse with my left hand. It took a couple of days to get really proficient, but it helped TREMENDOUSLY. Try it. Remember to go into the mouse software & switch the buttons - that makes it a little easier cognitively.

  2. i'm sorry your arm is hurting you!! web md? seriously, that statement is the truth. yay for having a boy to photograph!! can't wait to see the pictures. xoxo

  3. Go see a better doctor now that you have decent insurance. Go see an orthopedic specialist and get an MRI done. Please. My Chicky may be looking at surgery for an injury that isn't getting better. We'll know more after her own MRI next week. Thus, I knoweth what I speaketh of. :)

    Now, DWTS...I was shocked but kind of happy to see Ms. C. go. I didn't like her rendition of Beyonce's dancing. Blech. I'm rooting hard for JR and Chynna (being a child of the 70's/80's...gotta root for my Wilson Phillips gal).

    Chaz needs to two weeks ago.

  4. I hope you go to see the doctor. You never know...My son has an issue with his arm and we finally had an MRI done but it was inconclusive and it appears he moved his arm a bit in the MRI so they can't be completely sure. doctor said the only way to make it feel better would be to put him in a cast for a month. He's not willing to do that. So I hear him complain instead..


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