I know we have a new relationship together. Normally, I would ignore you & not even realize that you existed. But with this new change in routine & route to work everyday, I have had to grow closer to you over the past few weeks.
Its because of this closer relationship that I feel like I can write you this letter to tell you how I really feel about you. I'm sorry to say, its not pretty either.
I think you are some sort of evil creature that is sent to mess with me physically & emtionally.
Why emotionally? Because when I see you on my alarm clock every morning, it sends me into a state of depression. One that involves tears & a 2 yr old tantrum of kicking the bed & saying things like, "I dont wanna!!!"
Also I feel like this is an emotional game because I would almost bet you $1 million dollars (as if I HAD $1 million dollars) that I just laid down & I just closed my eyes. Mr. 4:30, do you have magical powers that speed up the time during the dark hours? I would bet $2 million dollars on THAT also!
Physically, you are taking a toll on me as well. I feel like my body is going through a wringer everyday. You make me want to take a nap every day because I feel like I cant even hold my head upright by lunch time. That's just messed up. And if I take the time at lunch to watch my TV shows I enjoy on Hulu during lunch, only because I have no time at night now to watch anything, I am almost in a "crawling" mode to get in my house for a quick snooze at your sister, 4:30 PM
Why do I need that snooze? Because I'm training for my next half marathon & the way my body is being effected by you, I think I can make it about 5 miles & it equals the same as 13.1 miles right now.
Mr. 4:30, we also dont even want to talk about how I have no time nor energy to keep up with my house. You have forced me to neglect my laundry & my dusting. My home has turned into a perfect mess... I'm just glad that is close to Halloween & I can make it sound like the dust & the mess is all part of a "Haunted House Feel"....
I'm hoping our relationships becomes easier. I'm hoping we even begin to LIKE each other. As of now, I'm doubting it though.
Regardless, I'll be seeing you tomorrow.
Your tired & grumpy friend,
The ONLY time I enjoy seeing 4:30am is when I am at work during the night shift, b/c it means I only have three more hours til my shift is over...
ReplyDeleteI can feel your pain.
And in sympathy, I am not going to do any dusting in my house, either. I like the "haunted house" idea :)
seriously, i hate waking up early. way to tell 4:30AM how you feel. xoxo
ReplyDeleteI don't have to get up near as early as you but our new routine of getting up between 6-6:45 to get ready for kinder is nearly killing me. I miss our 7:30 or 8:00 mornings!
ReplyDeleteHugs to you... It will get better... I think your leaf idea will be amazing... Have a great weekend...
ReplyDeleteThis letter could easily have been written by me...only to any time before 9am.
ReplyDeleteGetting up early is, truly speaking, "for the birds."