Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Siesta Scripture - Verse 1

I'm a few days late...

but doesnt mean I havent had this verse sitting in front of me trying to get it memorized.

Off to get more scripture tucked away.

To kick off the year:

When I am afraid,
I will trust in you.
In God, whose word I praise,
   in God I trust; 
I will not be afraid.
What can mortal man to do me?
-Psalm 56:3-4

I remember kicking off last year with Isaiah 41:10... another verse on no need to fear.

Must be a recurring thought I need...

Fear is a powerful thing, aint it?  Need these reminders that fear is nothing when we put our trust & faith in God...


  1. I love that verse!! There's a praise song from this verse that we used to sing in church. I always sing it in my head when I read this verse.

    Ipostedabout mine a few days ago. I love memorizing Scripture. It's life changing!!!

    Love you friend ~~ Dawn

  2. Fear is something I need to constantly keep my eye on...because what I notice is that when I'm afriad of something, what manifests outwardly is anger.

    I could do without both, fear and anger.

    Great scripture...thank you!


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