*Merlin is back on for another season... I am kinda obsessed with anything involving King Arthur. Anyone remember the mini-series on TV that was called Merlin as well? Martin Short was in it... I loved it. First Knight with Richard Gere? Still watch it everytime its on... I do love this series though.
*Watched Burlesque ... it was corny... but I love a movie that has singing & dancing. And man, oh man! Christina Aguilera has changed over the past few years, hasnt she? She looks like a baby in that movie.
*One of the youth kiddos asked me, "Who is Billy Graham?" ... I was shocked... wonder who will be this next's generation's Billy Graham? Anyone?
*Since giving up Diet Coke, I'm now addicted to tea. I went a few weeks ago to Sam's Club & got a couple of these pitchers. I have to have 2 pitchers at all time in the fridge. This weekend, I think I made tea about 8 times.... trading one addiction for another one.
*I'm thinking this steroid is just gonna come & go... I was feeling better last week. Friday, I bombed out again. My feet were horrible & I felt achy & weak all over again on Saturday. Not to the extreme I was before - but it was bad. Just hoping these ups & downs just get further & further apart & the downs arent as DOWN... this is getting old.
*Because of the way I felt Saturday... I didnt even get out of my PJ's except only to take a bath...
*This little man was my snuggle buddy all weekend too... he's probably the only one who's happy when I'm not feeling good, because that means laying on a couch & holding him all... day.... long.
*I attempted 2 new dishes. Black Bean Soup in my crockpot ... which was a SUCCESS!! And cornbread... which was an utter failure. It tasted weird. Like there was too much flour? Or baking powder? Now I'm on a mission to make good cornbread.
*Sunday, we watched Soul Surfer.. EXCELLENT movie! I told Ricky that if one of the kids in my youth group have a movie made of their life, I want Carrie Underwood to portray me as their youth leader as well. Just dye her hair red. Or just go with Emma Stone since she's already a red head.
*I got to get caught up on Parks & Recreation on my DVR. Did anyone else see the one where they had to walk across the ice to get to the stage? I literally laughed so hard, I had tears rolling down my cheeks. There are so many good comedies on now. Laughter IS the best medicine!
*Yes, I realize my whole weekend revolved around TV, movies & my DVR... I was sick & that was the only energy I could exhert... my eyes focusing on the boob-tube.
*I also just realized I'm probably going to get weird traffic to my blog because I now have the word "boob-tube" here.
Here's to a new week... hope your weekends were entertaining...
Wait, I must've missed the part where YOU gave up Diet Coke? Wow! Why? You and Michelle will have yet one more thing in common...she loves tea.
ReplyDeleteI am currently hooked on Mad Men. What a powerful show! I'm on Season 3; Season 5 starts in March, so I'm hoping to be all caught up before that happens.
Hope you're feeling 100% soon. Have you been able to run at all yet?
I think T.D. Jakes is our generations Billy Graham. :)
ReplyDeleteFur babies are the BEST to snuggle with! I can't believe that you're continuing to have problems from the steroids...that's just crazy! Praying that you feel much better real soon!
ReplyDeletePersonally, I think that nothing beats Jiffy cornbread - but then I like it kind of sweet.
ReplyDeleteI think that tea is a better addiction than diet coke (says the woman who drinks Diet Sundrop - but I only have 1-3 cans a day - ha!).
oh good question who is this generations billy graham??
ReplyDeletewe just adore parks and recreation. i have a special place in my heart for andy and his funniness.
wow so proud of you for giving up diet coke. and tea is delicious. my twin's husband makes some delicious tea. yum.
ReplyDeleteyour pup is SOOO cute. i wish mia had more fur on her face but i'm afraid i have a little toe head.
oh and have you checked out that video since you shared it with me? i've shared it with a few others and it now has over 15mil hits. CRAZY.
love you get feeling better. xoxo
Love the picture of your dog..so cute. I also love the movie Soul Surfer. I saw it at the theater, but I may have to buy the DVD cause I really want to see it again.
ReplyDeleteMy weekend, was mostly just lazing around the house, reading and watching TV too. I love a weekend like that every now and then.
Dang, 8 pitchers of tea?! How much time did you spend in the bathroom? I would have just had to move the TV in there.
ReplyDeleteHope you start feeling better soon.
p.s. Love your snuggle buddy. What a cutie!