Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Impatience to anticipation...

Jacob worked seven years to pay for Rachel. 
But his love for her was so strong that it seemed to him but a few days...
-Genesis 29:20

isnt that romantic?

Not the "paying for her" part... that's jacked up...

... but the love Jacob had for Rachel that made time just pass so quickly

... Romance... love... swooning...

But I also see "seven years"

7 YEARS!!!???

Oh my goodness...

7 years from now, I'll be... well, let's not talk about it...
that's putting me WAY closer to 50 & I want to take my time getting there...

But Jacob had to wait for Rachel
& luckily for him, the time seemed to go quickly.

I think we're all waiting on some things in life that doesnt feel like time is going quickly

I know of people who are waiting for

heck - I even wait for payday to come!!!
... or even better - 3:00pm - time to get off work!!!

But we're always waiting for something... big or small...

It can be frustrating to wait too... but I know I want to try & change my attitude about waiting.

I want to have faith in God's timing... trusting Him... knowing He has reasons for the timing of everthing.

What if we sat in anticipation of what God is offering...
Thinking about the better possibilities than we even hope & dream of...

So I'm going to try & work on my impatience... try & change it to anticipation
Trusting that God is brewing up something even better then I can imagine....


  1. I'm glad you mentioned something about the "paying" part. Ah, the good old days of Traditional marriage! You know, trade in a few sheep, pick out your wife.
    Regarding being impatient. As a kid, everything takes forever to get here. Now, time is flying by! I miss the excitement of being a kid and waiting. Something great about it!

  2. I think I need to work on being more patient. I know that when Chris lost his job, our patience was tested over and over, again, but God came through for us!

  3. Great post! I feel like I'm always waiting too. Waiting for love, kids, a raise, to lose weight, etc. etc. I need to stop and smell the flowers and wait on His timing :)

  4. Rebecca-This is a great post. It is so hard not to waste your "NOW" impatient for the "THEN."

  5. Love this post! Exactly what I needed to read as I'm a VERY impatient person!

  6. Excellent post ... thanks for the reminder. I certainly need it as I just am not a patient person.


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