Thursday, May 03, 2012

Yep... more race Pictures

I NEVER buy race photos...

first of all, I always look a HOT MESS

but I had to buy these

& because I just shelled out $65.00 for 5 pictures - I'm not wasting a part of my life where these photos are not involved

So yes, you have to endure a few more pictures

Here I am on the course... this is about mile 10... you can tell I'm still feeling good :)

See why I love running skirts?  You dont have to deal with the 'riding up' factor...
I'm telling you - I'll be a spokesperson for running skirts now

And here's the finish line pictures

with my Hubby!!!!!... swoon...

Officially across! :)


Wide shot

& yes, my finish time is different then the clock time...

My official Finish Picture
(The 5 I'm holding up is for my 5th Half Marathon)

I can look at it & see my smile & feel again how happy I was in that moment

OK... I'm done talking about it now

(... which you all know is a lie... I'll be talking about it some more some day... you know I will)


  1. I am so impressed!! And I love that your husband ran over the finish line with you!!!

    Your smiles says it all!

  2. Sooo cute how your hubs finished with you! :) The running skirt looks awesome!

  3. SO SO proud of you! And that picture with Ricky is just precious!!

  4. Love the picture of you and Ricky that is great!

  5. You are so very beautiful friend!!! I love your braids and your skirt, but mostly your heart!! Please keep talking about it, since I run vicariously through you now =)

    The pics of you and Ricky are just priceless!! Please tell me you are framing?!

    I love you friend ~~ dawn

  6. I need to get myself one of those cute running skirts! Such great pictures of one amazing athlete!

  7. LOVE these pictures, esp of the two of you crossing that finish line together. That is so sweet!

  8. Great pictures, especially the last one!!! You look so cute in your running skirt.

  9. Dude, how do you look so good after running a fricken marathon!!!

    I love the pics with you and your hubby!

  10. I'm just catching up on your 1/2 marathon. Friend! I am SO SO proud of you. Honestly, you inspire me. I get so discouraged only running 4 miles. I can't imagine doing what you're doing. Seriously, SO PROUD!

  11. Oh, those pictures of you and Ricky are priceless! I'm so glad you purchased them!!

  12. For some reason, five of your posts just showed up in my reader. Hm.

    These pictures are priceless.

    Ricky is wearing the smile of pride on a former worrier's face, just like all of us would have been!



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