The message came together... Thank you sweet Jesus!
It was nice because the Pastor of our church knew what I was talking about that day & even found me before the class & prayed with me. That's always an encouragement.
I totally had God on my side so I had nothing to worry about.
I talked about how different dating is today then in the past.
Did you know that in ancient days, men just took women as their wife. Literally... took them...
& my favorite history fact is in Ancient Spartan, the men would WRESTLE women because they believed physical fitness was the key for a great marriage.
I'm not sure how that works... did you WANT a woman who could whip your butt?
What if the man was like a twig & easily breakable? .... weird...
Even dating not too long ago was different.... I mean, my parents were married when my mom was in high school. Her girlfriends were either engaged or married as well. Funny how things change...
Today, dating is just moving way too fast... taking way too seriously... & is just scary...
but who am I? I'm an old adult who doesn't get it, right? I'm sure every teenager feels that way.
We all felt that way as a teenager.
I had made 5 points in the lesson
1. Have your parents as your team mates.... trying to reassure the kids that even though it feels like parents just don't understand (there's my 80's DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince shout out... & I just dated myself worse). But no one wants better for you, other then God, then your parents. Just have to remind them of that.
2. Enjoy the friendship.... I think its so funny how dating happens without someone even KNOWING the person. Don't know their favorite color, what makes them happy, what they want to do with their future, don't even know their family.... but they "LOVE" them... The best relationships come from friendships anyways. Why the rush into dating? Get to know someone & who they are before even thinking of dating.
3. Check your influences... we let things rub off on us so easily. If everyone is doing something, then its OK - right? Well, that's the thinking anymore. The whole, "if your friends jump off of a bridge" idea. But guess what? Kids are jumping off bridges & their friends are following. We live in a world where a show called "16 & Pregnant" is in its 4th season. Influences are everywhere.
4. Start with a Clean Slate ... this is what God is in the business of doing. I gave an example... didnt they want to give their future spouse a glass of clean, sparkling, pure water? Everytime they mess up in relationships, date someone else, give a part of themselves away, its like putting dirt in that glass. Pretty soon, you have a glass full of mud, that gets thicker & thicker... but if they ask God for a new start... he can filter that all out... turning that water back into the clear, pure water that you can offer your future spouse. But are they willing to stop throwing mud in that glass and ask God for that new start?
5. JUST WAIT!!! ... what's wrong with just waiting? It doesn't mean you are weird, or odd, or something is wrong with you. It just means you know God has a plan & a purpose.... He calls things to be in an order. Some things are to be held onto for marriage.
I gave an example of a sky diver. I can imagine the first time they stand at the edge of the plane, their stomach is in knots, the anticipation is incredible. But what about those people that do it for a living - those people who tandem jump with others. They probably jump out of a plane 5 times a day. It's probably still exciting, but its nothing like that first jump. The excitement isn't to the level as it is on that first jump. Anticipation & patience is something that seems to be missing anymore...
So it all came together...& the kids held their attention to me the whole time... & wrote down the advice given...
now, I pray God moves in them... helps them make decisions that will effect their whole future.
Dating as a teenager... whew... glad I don't have to deal with that in today's world...
its tough out there....
Sounds like you nailed it perfectly. Love the water glass analogy.