Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Hodgepodge Time

I missed the Hodgepodge last week with vacation... so excited to jump back in...

1. What's one way you're like your siblings? If you don't have siblings, how are you like your lifelong best friend or cousin?

How are we alike... my brother & I....
we have the same parents...

That's about the extent of it.

We really are opposites.  He's a boy, I'm a girl.  He is a punk & I am perfect. KIDDING! ...
Wait - something hit me... we are alike in one way... we both love animals!
BAM!  Twinsies!

2.  What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of yourself at age eighteen?

Being young...

Honestly... I'm feeling SO OLD lately with aches & pains so the idea of 18 again & full of young energy, I'm drooling with jealousy

....oh, I also think of big 80's hair....

3.  Sculptor-dancer-actor-painter...if you could excel in one of these arts, which would you choose and why?

I'm torn between two... I always said I think I would have been an awesome dancer.  I've got rhythm, can bust out a move & am great with choreography (Thanks Jazzercise)

But I'd also choose acting... IF it meant I would excel.  I don't want to be a struggling actor... but one of those Oscar-carrying-actors... move over Julie Roberts.  The only downside?  I can remember dance moves... memorizing lines?  A whole other story...

so DANCER wins!! YAHOO!!!!

See?  I can remember this Jazzercise routine in 3.2 seconds
Dance Pro!

4. What's a scent that takes you back in time, and where does it take you?

This is a perfect timing question. Ricky & I were in a store the other day & I found a bottle of Charlie perfume... it was $2.99 for the whole bottle... I sprayed it & I told Ricky it took me on a time warp back to my childhood...

Its what my mom always wore

I told Ricky its crazy how scents can take you right back in time...

5.  November is for peanut butter lovers (National Peanut Butter Lovers Month).  Are you a lover or a hater?  What's your favorite dish/recipe that calls for peanut butter?

Give me a spoon & a jar of peanut butter & I'm happy... love the stuff...

Always love a Peanut butter sandwich... (fun fact:  NEVER had a PB&J sandwich in my life... I know... shocking)
Love PB on a banana for breakfast
Love putting it in a chocolate protein smoothie

I could cry for people with peanut allergies....

6. What do people thank you personally for most often?

For shutting up
... on some days...

Probably the most often I hear it is when clients get their pictures that I take.  I love capturing moments of time for a family ... & I think they understand how special those pictures will be down the road... makes me warm & fuzzy inside...

7. What event this year are you most thankful for?

I have to think about the whole year?  ... did you not remember my answer in the acting question?  I have no memory...

trying to remember
same expression I have trying to think past 2 weeks ago

I'll stick with the obvious... that our government hasn't killed us all... yet....

(Oh snap... did I just post a political statement?)

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

So everyone has probably already seen it, but I can't get enough...

The new Jimmy Kimmel video of people telling their kids they ate their Halloween Candy... kids are the best...

My favorite kid?  The little girl that is crying but says, 'That's ok' all the while sucking in the tears & the sadness... what a sweet child...


  1. Oh Jimmy Kimmel! What a horrible trick to play on those kids! I loved the 2 little boys where the older one was upset and the younger one gave the thumbs up :)

  2. I didn't know it was peanut butter month! Mike LOVES peanut butter & his birthday is next Wednesday. Hmm - now what shall I do with this information?

  3. Isn't that video HILARIOUS? I saw it yesterday and about tinkled in my britches! Girl...I'd chose dancing, hand's down! Nathalie seems to think that Derek Hough is all hers, but I have news for that lady! He's MINE...ALL MINE! :)

  4. Those leotards are H-O-T! And peanut butter is the bomb dot com.

  5. Perfume was a great choice, I'm thinking I should have said English Leather...I loved the smell of it! I put almond butter in my smoothies.
    Love that video, too cute.

  6. Oh my goodness! This should have come with a 'don't bust a gut if you've just had a hysterectomy' warning, LOL! Thanks for the smile and belly laugh:)


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