Yep... a fresh new year of starting Thankful Thursday.
You may see something different this year. I started a journal/calendar where I am writing down things I am thankful for every day on there. I am also numbering them as the year goes along. I have the goal to hit at least 1,000 things I am thankful for this year. I'm hoping I'll hit more - which is a fantastic thing... so if you see a number before a "Thankful entry" then just ignore it if you want... it's just a good way for me to look back at my calendar & see the date it was on...
& I could write all of them down, but some of them may be really personal or things not to share with the world... plus, some may be repetitive... so you may see skipping of numbers. Or something may just come to mind & it may not even have a number....
The point of it all? Don't let the numbers confuse you...
Moving on...
This week, I am Thankful For:
2 / Great "After Christmas" sales... I love a good 50% off items!
3 / The grocery store, Kroger had excellent customer service! Ricky had bought some things at the store that were Christmas items - like a Belle ornament!!! & cute Disney Christmas mugs - & then left it in his cart when he went home. DANG IT!!!!!... but he went back to Kroger to see if someone turned it in. They hadn't. But the manager ended up taking his receipt & gave him his money back for the lost goods! WHAT? How kind was that? They didn't have to do that. I give that place kudos for being so nice to their customers.
5 / Understanding friends. When Ricky was sick & we had to cancel our get together with friends to celebrate Christmas, they totally were fine with it. We appreciate good friends.
8 / Found some cold medicine in the back of the cabinet for Ricky when the pharmacy was closed.
10 / The sun came out. It's been so rainy & gloomy - I can't handle it. I am solar powered, I'm convinced so when the sun came out, I just sat with my face to the window for a few minutes to soak it in.
15 / Throat lozenges & hot tea with lemon & honey when you have a sore throat
16 / Water!!!! You don't know what you got till its gone. We woke up Wednesday with NO WATER. Apparently there was a leak somewhere & we had not one drop from our faucets. THANKFULLY, we had a case of water in our garage & I have reusable bottles that I keep full of water in our fridge - so we got to use those to brush our teeth, rinse out breakfast plates, give the dogs their water. You forget about the luxuries we have in this world & that there are some people that don't have water every day at their convenience.
What are you Thankful For this week?

Yikes, I hope you have water again soon! It really is hard to remember to appreciate all the wonderful things we have sometimes and things like that are definitely a reminder.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I didn't even shop for after Christmas sales at all. I think I'm just enjoying the online shopping too much. lol
ReplyDeleteDid you get your water fixed? Hope it's not to costly. So glad you had the bottled water to use. Our church had a water leak and we've had the water turned off there except during service time. Hubby even worked at home one day this week because of no water there. Glad it was fixed.
Again thanks for hosting Thankful Thursday and letting me link-up with you.
so glad you have water! whew! i had to go through that a couple of times, no thank you! and oh yes for the sales!! i got some christmas things for $2!!!
ReplyDeleteOh geez... no water?? What a reminder of how fortunate we are to have fresh, clean water pumped into our houses every day. I hope your water is restored soon!
ReplyDeleteHow nice of the manager! I love that. He's still in the Christmas spirit even though it's over! No water would be so hard! Good thing you were prepared. Now I feel like I should always have bottled water on hand just in case!
ReplyDeleteI hear you about the good friends. Tim's health made him no fun at all on Christmas Eve with friends and then we bailed on New Year's Eve. Love them for taking it all in stride and making us feel better about it.
ReplyDeleteAfter Christmas sales are my favorite....though I never take full advantage because of how much money we spent before Christmas hahaha!
ReplyDeleteAfter Christmas sales are my favorite. :)
ReplyDeleteI was totally a slacker this week and didn't do a post. :(
ReplyDeleteKroger is good that way...they just don't have quality baggers. :)
You truly do forget about the luxuries you have until you don't have them. We take so much for granted! I learned that when we were without heat last year.
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful of Kroger!