This week I am THANKFUL for:
{The numbers go with my One-Thousand Gifts Journal / Just ignore}
256 / Eating more.
Not sure this is a great thing really... but trying more solid foods with my mouth/jaw. Its still healing & still gets some good pains in it. I'm still leery chewing ANYTHING on that side of my mouth, which is irritating, but slow baby steps, right?
257 / Cute Belle Sign.
Hobby Lobby is just calling my name with all the cute Beauty & the Beast things they've been carrying lately. I'm getting the cutest little collage going on my wall.

258 / Fresh Juices
I have really been wanting to get back into juicing. I just always hate the clean up of the machine. UGHHH. All the scrubbing! So I'm loving all these juices that are out now that are legit real fruit & veggie juices. This one tasted exactly like a fresh pressed juice out of my machine too. & love it had turmeric in it too. Makes life so much easier.... just remember to recycle the bottles ;)
259 / Warmed back up
Yes!!! Back to sitting outside reading away. Cant get enough of that. My happy place in the world.
261 / Baptism!!!!
Still so excited for our sweet friend that made the decision to get baptized. I love her ON FIRENESS (yes, a real word - because its about Jesus) right now for Jesus!! It's so inspiring!

262 / Church with my Joysters
I loved worshiping with them. Here's just a few of us - One had just run off to the restroom & a few couldnt make it with commitments to their own churches. I love how its grown &the connections we have with one another.

I had to add this picture - I so was laughing when I got to church & saw one of our Joysters saved seats. I said, "Is that toilet paper you used?"... she informed me it was napkins... but doesnt it look like she just brought a roll of toilet tissue with her? GENIUS! There's how you save seats for your Easter services for family! ... I love you Rhonda!
263 / Seeing Grand buddies.
With our friends going to another church now, we dont get to see as much of them as we used to - & I feel like we hardly get to see our Grand buddies anymore. It was so nice to see them Sunday when Chasity brought them to this church. & nahhhh - it didnt bother me one bit when Emerson saw me & was like, "Where's Pappy?"... why does Pappy ALWAYS get the love? Not fair.
264 / Timing perfect.
I am so glad the timing worked out great where I was able to go to the baptism & still make it in time to get to my church & in time to be with my girls.
265 / Found Blender for work
I love to make smoothies for lunch but its never as good when I make them in the morning & set them in the fridge until lunch. They get all foamy... ewww... but I found a blender I forgot I got yearsss ago in the basement. Perfect to take to work & leave. & now, I can make me up some frozen bags of spinach & fruit & bring some protein powder & VIOLA - fresh smoothies at lunch! Yes!
266 / A push from a friend
So when a friend reached out to me & asked to commission me for some art work for her, I replied back I wasn't good enough & didnt trust my abilities. She is the most encouraging person that exists in this world & she reminded me that God gave me a talent that she sees & she wanted me to do this. So I told her I would try... nothing promised... but I'd try. & then I made up this canvas over the weekend. & she loved it. & I was really proud of it. I couldnt believe I could make something like that. Now, the flood gates are opening in my brain on what I want to make next. & I honestly would have never tried if my friend didnt give me the push & the encouragement to try something new. I am truly grateful.
So tell me something good that you've been blessed with this week!

I've got to try that juice! And yay for finding a blender to leave at work. Something good for me--no more sickness!
ReplyDeleteThat's a great beauty and the Beast sign you found at Hobby Lobby. With your talent, I bet you could start creating your own signs! Just imagine the possibilities????
ReplyDeletemy FIL makes an incredible beet/pomegranate/carrot juice..it's so tasty!
ReplyDeleteI love it! Your art is so great, and I love that your friend encouraged you! :) A blender at work sounds awesome, though here we don't have a full kitchen and cleaning it would be a pain. Glad for you though! The weather has been lovely here, which has me feeling good. I saw b&tb pjs at Target and almost bought them yesterday. So cute. Really excited to get out of town for a long weekend!!!! Much needed. :) XO - Alexandra
ReplyDeleteSimply Alexandra: My Favorite Things
What a great week you've had! I love fresh juices too and HATE cleaning my machine after ... so I stop doing it for several months/years. Honestly, this has been the hardest week of my life. Just asking for a prayer of encouragement. I'm thankful for God's love.
ReplyDeleteThe artwork you did for your friend was absolutely stunning.
ReplyDeleteAnd reading outside is absolutely wonderful isn't it? I'm so thankful for God's gift of sunshine. He is so merciful and gracious.
I love that art piece that you did. It is beautiful. Yay for being able to eat more and finding a blender for work. That makes things so much easier. I hate making a smoothie and waiting for lunch to drink it. I agree. It is blah that way.
ReplyDeleteI love love that Bella sign. I gotta get myself to Hobby Lobby.
ReplyDeleteYou look so comfy sitting outside reading. I've been reading more lately and am really enjoying that. Also, I've been waiting to get the audio version of Magnolia Story since January. It finally is available and I started it yesterday at work. I love it!! You were right it is very good and I'm enjoying the fact that Chip and Joanna are reading it. So fun!
ReplyDeleteI had Chipotle last night & it was delicious - AND I treated myself to chips & guac on the side. And I had a gift card, so it was free.
ReplyDeletePicked out all the music last night for our wedding and the process was surprisingly smooth and the guy was super nice & helpful.
Which, I was grateful for since it had been QUITE a day at that point.
Outside reading FTW!
ReplyDeleteI am going to find that juice! I enjoy juicing but the clean-up is annoying, so I could find a fresh, stable juice to drink - YAY!!! And I love that it has turmeric in it too. I'm glad to hear that your mouth is slowly healing and you can eat some solid foods. The Belle art is cute but not as cute as your artwork!
ReplyDeleteThat Belle sign is perfect for you! Don't you just love Hobby Lobby?! I can be in there for hours!
ReplyDeleteI still really love that sign!
ReplyDeleteIt's so neat that you were able to church hope and see so many people and experience so many things all in one day!
Also- let's see a pic of this B&tB gallery wall, lady!
Your lettering is amazing and God bless your friend for giving you that push! I see more in your Etsy shop than scarves and hats!! You are so talented and creative!!
ReplyDeleteYes! You are extremely talented and I love it! I think I saw you post that on Instagram and I fell in love with it. Go girl! Have a wonderful weekend.
ReplyDeleteYay for all of the Beauty and the Beast things! That sign is gorgeous! Glad that your friend pushed you to do that, how did you do it?
ReplyDeleteI think that canvas turned out beautifully and you should be very proud of your work!!!! Very talented!! That Belle picture is so cute! Hobby Lobby just opened near my house...ok well in the town near us where we do all our shopping. I couldn't be more ecstatic about it! It was CROWDED last weekend so I stayed away. Hope to venture in there soon.
ReplyDeleteYour thankful lists always warm my heart. Thanks for continuing to share them.