This is just going to be a quick one this week....
I have been SO BUSY! Like SOOOO BUSYYYY!!!!
I've been around blog land reading your blogs at night when I get home & get in bed, but I have the hardest time commenting on my phone & tablet ... so though you havent heard from me, I'm always catching up on my favorite bloggers.
I've been learning new things at work the past few weeks & the rubber meets the road today & for the next few days while lots of people are on vacation.... so sorry this is short - I'll have lots of Thankful goodies next Thursday
I will always be thankful - even in a rush
* Thankful for my job - I honestly, y'all, still love my job. I sit sometimes at my desk & am amazed that I found this incredible place to go to.
* Thankful for learning new things & more of how things are ran around work.
*Thankful that I'm being entrusted with more work & responsibilities.
*Thankful for great co-workers who have been wonderful at training & showing me the ropes at all the new fun stuff. They are patient & helpful & always so kind when I call them &say, "I have another question"
*Thankful for overtime. I've never gotten overtime before & man, its nice!!!
So yeah, I'm busy at work today & tomorrow.... so again, if I am not commenting, I'm still visiting.
& I still want to hear what you are Thankful for this week!
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If you noticed I do not respond to your comments, it is because you are a "no reply" blogger and I am unable too!
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