Thursday, October 25, 2018

Almost driving, coffee with high schoolers & didnt pee on myself!!! {Thankful Thursday #193}

Image result for thankful thursday knit by god's hand

This week I am Thankful for:

14 Yrs Old
I can't believe the twins are 14!  BLINK & it goes by so fast.  But here they are - just one year away from getting their permit to drive. (OH.MY.GOODNESS!)

Coffee Shop in Traffic
I have no idea what the hold up was one day, but I sat in traffic FOR-EV-ER. The bad news with that is I am still addicted to my ice obsession & sitting in traffic for an hour, I thought I was going to just pee all over myself. I'm nothing but blunt.  So when I finally got off the express way, I was so thankful for our little coffee shop on the corner of the exit.... ran in to use their bathroom & a perfect excuse to grab a chai tea latter for the rest of the drive home. WHEW!  Accident averted - at least for me - maybe not a driver somewhere.

Mom's friend
My mom's best friend came up from Bardstown, Kentucky to help her with some paper work & ended up being there when the doctor called & needed mom to come in to pick up a presciption.  Myrna happily drove mom back out there & then took her to the grocery store & then out to dinner.  Bless her heart - she drove home super late all the way back to Bardstown!!! So glad she was there to spend the day with mom - & super glad she was safe on her late travels back!

The Faithful Bible Study
if you're looking for a Bible Study - Lifeway is currently doing this one where they are offering the videos to the study for free through the end of November.  Just the first video?  I literally was like, "This is for me... totally for me".  It was about hard times in life & how NOTHING happens to you that hasn't passed through God's hands.  Nothing happens without God's knowing & approval or allowance.  It was just so encouraging if you are in a rough ride right now (ME!! RAISING HAND)

Pain Level Low
Can you believe I'm saying that???? But it has been so tolerable. Like some days, I'm feeling ZERO bits of pain. Probably the worst thing is sitting on the floor. That's when it hurts - just a little - but I'm sitting, walking, even RAN a little bit - NO PAIN!!!!.... which only CONFUSES ME!! Do I still do that surgery in December?  .... my pain level may be lower, but my stress level is beyond its limits!

HSM Coffee Night
We had no HSM Home group during October but missed the girls, so made a coffee date for whoever could make it. The conversations had around that table were so funny. Teenage girls... how the brain works at that age.... it's funny to look back now as an adult & think, "I thought that way myself long ago.  Bless my heart" :)

Image may contain: 12 people, including Jackie Hardesty, people smiling, people sitting, table and indoor

Sam's Club membership
I love me some Sam's Club & was a little sad that my membership, that was paid every year by my last job, was expiring.  Ricky actually went in to buy something & he found out the hard way we didnt have a membership any longer.  But PRAISE BE - there was a Groupon where we ended up getting a new membership for $25.00!!!! YAHOOOO... let the bulk buying commence on!

EKU trip
Yep, I talked about this in my last post - but so glad I was able to make the trip being sick, & so thankful for the recognition that Julie is getting - & just really enjoyed the trip with Ricky. We hardly ever get to travel anywhere together anymore with schedules.

I love I put my camera bag down so it wouldnt be in the picture... haha - & its right behind Ricky.

What are you Thankful For this week?

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