Excited for:
I can't wait to see Dumplin' on Netflix! They did so well with To All the Boys I've Loved .... & Jennifer Aniston? Come on - this is going to be great. It's one of my favorite books. I've actually got Puddin' - the follow up book - checked out at my house. I need to read it before I have to turn it back in.
I got a new winter coat. I love my one Ricky got me last year but I found one on Black Friday for half off & couldnt pass it up. It's a little longer. & I love the color of it. Camo Green. With a big furry hood. It's funny too because a co-worker came in on Monday with the exact same coat. I tell her we are not officially twins.
Cyber Monday
Anyone else find any deals? I walked away from Cyber Monday with the Kristin Hannah book The Great Alone & some highlighters for my Bible from The Daily Grace Co (I've been loving them lately)... & also got the Body Boss workout plan. I've been eyeing it for awhile but its been too expensive, but it was only $39.90 on Monday. Anxious to see how it works.

Freaking out
The flu is already running around. NOOOOO!!!!!! They just showed a map & Kentucky is already in a higher risk category than the rest of the country. Time for me to start freaking out & using gallons of hand sanitizer & drink Elderberry like its grape juice. Heck, I'll even drink the hand sanitizer if it keeps me flu-free
I just finished watching the show on A&E about the Clinton Affair. I remember that whole mess with Monica - but man, watching it back - how unfairly was she treated? All the women involved in telling their stories about him. I have felt so bad for Monica Lewinsky for years - she totally got a raw deal of the way people reacted to her while Bill Clinton walked away with seemingly no hardships against him. Granted, we dont know what goes on behind closed doors - but we can all agree that Monica's life had to be affected more negatively than his over it. No 50 / 50 her. .... but I'm so glad to see she's making a good name for herself in speaking engagements & her work in Vanity Fair. She seems like a very intelligent & put together woman. I found the whole series interesting. Not sure if its out there on some sort of On Demand - but if you lived during that era, I think you'd enjoy it.

Time to break out out the Christmas music! I get torn between two favorites - Josh Groban's Noel - & Casting Crowns Peace on Earth. Casting Crown's I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day is probably my favorite Christmas song... I get chills listening to it every time.
I am so intrigued by this book that I'm reading on Netgalley... Waisted. It's got touches of Biggest Loser, but warped up a little.... & it just resonates with me how these women feel in their weight struggles. I'm hoping to finish it up this weekend.

Christmas lights on the tree. There is just nothing so warm & homey as that. I still dont understand why we cant have that up all winter long to get through the dreary of the season. Though - let's remind everyone - it usually is all of Winter my tree is up, so what am I talking about ;)
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