Getting one step closer to Thanksgiving! YAHOO...
& by YAHOO - I mean a day off work!
& watching the Macy's Day Parade... & hopefully getting my tree up.
Just a side note - OF COURSE Thankful Thursday is going to be up tomorrow - the BIGGEST day of the year to be Thankful... so I know a lot of people wont be around blog-land on a holiday, but just wanted anyone to know it will be there if you still want to link up with me & really express how thankful you are this year.
Onto The Wednesday Medley with my friend Terri
1. What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?
I know most of you can answer this for me at this point...
my brother's broccoli cheese casserole.
I feel at this point, I need to take pictures of it with my good camera & do a post in dedication to it all on its own.
Except I eat it way too fast :)
2. What’s the happiest Thanksgiving memory of your childhood?
I can remember going to my grandmother's house with all my cousins... & my grandmother's famous & DELICIOUS dumplin's ... they were the best thing in the world.
When she passed, no one has been able to make them like she used to. We always said she messed the recipe up on purpose so we would always just want & crave - & miss - her dumplin's... man, do I ever. - though now that I think about it, I probably couldnt eat them. I think they were made with chicken - or with chicken stock.
ahhh - boo... that just made me sad.
3. Who is the most consistently grateful person you know?
Oh gosh - its hard to say one person
... I feel like I have some sisters in Christ that are great in showing gratitude in all things
.. & I have some INCREDIBLE HSM girls that are just always shining thankfulness
Such good people who love the Lord & take to heart on giving thanks in all circumstances....
... I feel like I have some sisters in Christ that are great in showing gratitude in all things
.. & I have some INCREDIBLE HSM girls that are just always shining thankfulness
Such good people who love the Lord & take to heart on giving thanks in all circumstances....
4. If you could thank one person today—near or far, living or dead—for their influence on your life, who would that person be?
Of course, with this being the first Thanksgiving without my daddy, I have to say him.
My daddy made me so much the person I am...
I always say my parents raised me in church, taught me about the Lord & to try & be the best person I can be living for Him.
I see my daddy's influence now more than ever with him not being near me any longer.
Even in little things... the way I see the world, the way I treat others....
oh how I miss my daddy!
5. Who’s one person you’ve never thanked for their contribution to your life, but would like to?
Gosh - this one is hard.
I think back to grandparents... but hope I did let them know I appreciated them.
...& I think back to teachers that I had that influenced me & taught me & inspired me
... & I think to leaders in the church or lead bible studies, or who spoke up in a study or in a small group who added so much to my spiritual life.
... all the youth kids that have come through my life throughout the past 16 years & how much they have taught me & touched my heart.
... heck, I even think about my pets I've had through the years - they've added to my life.
No way I can pick just one
6. Tell us something random about your Thanksgiving week.
So this is my last full week before the dreaded medical stuff starts.
Next week, I have pre-op stuff & a final consult with my surgeon before the big cuts happen...
I'm a nervous wreck... & will be trying to get through this week & the holiday with as much appreciation of life as ever.
Next week, I have pre-op stuff & a final consult with my surgeon before the big cuts happen...
I'm a nervous wreck... & will be trying to get through this week & the holiday with as much appreciation of life as ever.

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