Thursday, November 29, 2018

New Disney unusuals, family survival mode & babies everywhere.... {Thankful Thursday #

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This week I am Thankful for:

Veggie sandwich at work
We have these "classes" or "workshops" at work every now & then to teach you something, or discuss different topics or what's going on in the community. They have some really interesting workshops.  I ended up going to one this past week & they serve lunch too - let me tell you - it was the most incredible veggie sandwich I have ever had.  & it came with fruit & pasta salad & a ginger snap cookie. ... can I tell you again how much I love my job.

News of twins
We found out this week that our middle daughter is having twin boys.  It's a complicated relationship between her & Ricky - but she has worked so hard to have these babies - SO HARD.... & even if the relationship is a little rough around the edges right now for her & her dad, Ricky & I are both so excited for her & her husband having these twins.  They are going to be gorgeous babies.... & we're praying for them & the whole family & the surrogate that is carrying them.  Just praying for so much in this area of our lives.  & if anything, the main thing is that these babies are healthy!  So excited for this little family & all the love that's going to be poured into these two little guys.

Another Grandbuddy
& on that note, we also found out that we're having another grandbuddy.  If you dont know what I'm talking about - ask - I feel like I've explained it so much, everyone knows :) .... but we found out a few weeks ago about the news & it was finally announced to the world.  So grandbabies & grandbuddies EVERYWHERE.

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, hat and child

Leave work early
Our work let us go early from work on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Say it with me everyone.... I love my job.

Best pumpkin pie ever
Ricky isn't a huge pumpkin pie person & he even said this was the best pie he's ever tasted that I made. He even ate like 3/4 of a pie himself.  That's the highest compliment.

Beautiful Thanksgiving day
I love when Thanksgiving is sunny & warm.  & it truly was.  I know dad sent that weather for us.  I actually stopped on the drive back to my brother's house & just took in the view, the warm day & the sun shining... & I felt my daddy nearer at that moment than any other time of the holiday.

Family togetherness
I was feeling so blah & bummed about Thanksgiving.. but getting together with family - & laughing together & sharing life together - its the best way to survive, isn't it?

Long weekend
... because what's better than a 4 day weekend?

Mammogram on Saturday
That was so nice to know they schedule on the weekend now & I didnt have to worry about trying to figure out how to do it with work.

Walking in sunshine
This is probably one of the last warm days we'll get so I took advantage of it on Saturday & went walking in the park. It was crazy to see all the damage done by the ice storm there. SO many trees broken in half. ... I feel ya trees... I feel ya.

Sweet potato quinoa chili
One of the best things I make. I put it on Saturday morning before I went for my mammogram & I forgot how delicious it was.  & the leftovers are even better.

Hat fit
My friend that I serve with in HSM, she had text me & asked me to make this pixie hat for her daughter. I literally made it in a 6 hour stretch sitting on the couch & I was so thankful it fit her perfectly & looked even more adorable than I could imagine on her!!!!!

Tree up
After all the emotion & all the drama of lights out & just not sure if I even wanted  to put up a tree this year... I'm glad it's up & lit up (what lights are left).  It just feels homey & warm now in my living room.

New Disney ornaments
These are our ornaments that we got on our anniversary - our tradition that we do every year. I love unusual Disney characters that you dont see often. Sven & Baymax make me super happy this year.

What are you Thankful For this week?

Image result for thankful thursday knit by god's hand

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