Tuesday, November 06, 2018

One Sentence a Day - October 2018

Image result for knit by gods hand one sentence a day

October... a month of a lot of celebrations... & the seasons changing... & heading into the final stretch of 2018.... Here we go!

1.  Celebrated mom's birthday with a scarce crowd when one of my nieces was in DC for a school trip, my brother had to work, my husband was in dire pain & well... yeah, we know whose the one missing the most. #StillCelebrateAnyways

2. Excited to finally start the new work out plan LIIFT. #needsomemuscles

3. Can't believe our first grandson is celebrating his 11th birthday!!!! #wheredoestimego?

4.  Tried not to puke myself when mom called me & asked me to come over because she had been so sick & throwing up for nearly 24 hours. #iamnotmadetobeanurse

5.  Hate getting out of work late on a Friday. #wanttostarttheweekend

6.  Cochese & Baby got their winter hay delivered so they're good to go now for the cold ahead. #hopeitsenough

7.  Our baby boy is one year old today #treatsforeveryone

When your momma is a photographer, you get a one year old portrait :) 

8.  Just felt BLAH when I had a fever all day & then another abscess rupture. #thisisgettingveryold

9.  My twin nieces are 14 years old today & I just can't even wrap my mind around the fact they'll be in high school next year. #FullFledgeTeenagers

The process of getting a picture of these two
10.  Just getting so upset thinking about the surgery ahead in December & thinking of everything that can go wrong. #mybrainisonoverdrive

11.  Time to break out the jackets!!! #tempsinthe50's

12. Excited to help out at work doing new duties that I've been learning. #beuseful

13.  So glad to be starting a new Bible study. #thefaithful

14.  Feel so bad for the Ironman competitors when the high is in the 40's & it was misting a cold rain all day long. #thosepeopleareAMAZING

15. Not saying I had a busy Monday or anything, but I had my 10,000 steps in before leaving work. #myachingfeet  #dontgetyour10000stepsinheels

16. Had a little impromptu coffee date with some of my favorite high school girls #HSMRocks

Image may contain: 12 people, including Jackie Hardesty, people smiling, people sitting, table and indoor
17.  Made some yummy pasta with spinach & red peppers that even the hubs was wanting more. #needtocookmore

18.  Got to be in charge for the first time of entering checks at work while everyone was on vacation- & what do I do? - enter them on the wrong date. #BigFail #CanonlygoUPfromhere

19.  .... & I'm feeling awful..... #sinusinfection #doubleearinfection

20.  Traveled down to Richmond, Kentucky to see our girl get honored, once again, for all the amazing work she has done. #RockStarScientist

21.  Havent been able to read as much as I used to lately so I am glad to get another book finished. #readinthesunshine

22.  Still can't breath. #happymonday

23. Late night rendezvous to the Dollar Store with my momma. #Ialwaysbuysomething

24.  I'm still fighting this sinus junk & it must be taking a toll on my body when I fell asleep around 8pm for the night. #allthesleep #feltwonderful

25. Ordered my 2019 planner when Erin Condren FINALLY had a sale happening. #stillSOexpensive

26.  We kicked off our anniversary weekend early by going to Hobby Lobby & a dinner out to start the celebration. #TheHubsPick

27.  Excited to go love on a friend who was on an Emmaus walk & seeing old church friends. #didnotourheartsburnwithinus

28.  We just completely enjoyed the day together celebrating 23 years of marriage. #happilyeverafter

29.  Still having anxiety attacks on trying to decide whether to have that surgery or not coming up. #LordTellMe!!

30. Got a phone call late at night to discover I walked out of the hair salon without paying!!!! #haha #wewereindeepconversation #goingbacktonight

31.  This is the first Halloween I have worked in over 23 years so of course had to at least dress up a little. #meow

How was your October?

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