Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Giving Thanks - TBB Asks

1. Have you ever kept a Gratitude Journal?
For yearsssss! That's where I get my things for Thankful Thursday.  ... I saw someone asking for tips on how to do a gratitude journal & honestly, what has worked best for me?  Get a calendar that has space to write in a weekly area - & on each day, try to find at least 3 things for each day.  I think seeing the days marked off, it makes it easier to write in things you remember. Like, "Oh yeah, on Thursday....." its just easy for us to think over our days & see the blessings.  & I always keep my calendar where I'm going to see it first thing in the morning so I can think back at the day before & write down the things I'm thankful for.  Or put it next to the bed & do it before you turn the light off.  I always say, its my favorite thing to go over at the end of the year, on New Years Eve - flip through that calendar & see how amazingly blessed you've been over the last 365 days! ....

& not to do a shameless plug (yeah I am) but join in with me every Thursday & post some things your thankful for. It really helps with the habit of writing things down. & its so fun to see the blessings in other's lives too. I'm here - every Thursday! :)

2. Hosting Thanksgiving at your house? Yes or No?
HA!!!! HAAAAA!!!! That would be a huge resounding NO.  Thanksgiving just drives my family nuts with me because of my vegetarian lifestyle. If it were at my house, it'd be a crock pot of sweet potato chili or something (which is extremely good by the way). ... plus, I'm not just a good cook and/or hostess It's totally not my spiritual gift.

Image result for hosting thanksgiving funny
What it would looks like if I hosted Thanksgiving

3. Favorite food from the Thanksgiving Meal?
I say it every year... my brother & sister in law's broccoli cheese casserole. Oh my word. It's amazing. I honestly could eat the entire pan they make.  Every last bite.

4. What one thing in Nature are you most grateful for?
Right now? Sunshine! Give me all the light in the dreariness of time change & upcoming winter.  I honestly get so depressed when the sun isn't out. I am tired & grumpy & just dont function right without it.

Image result for soak up the sun meme

5. Pumpkin Pie? Yes or No?
ALL THE YES!!!!!.... Fun fact - I make an amazing pumpkin pie. & another fun fact? I'm great at eating all the pumpkin pies I make :) Do you know, the past 2 years, I've struggled finding pumpkin pie spice around November... so this year? I honestly bought my spices like back in August. HA - I'm prepared & ready to get my pies going!

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6. Traditional Cookbook? Yes or No?
Nah... I'm all about Pinterest.  I always break out my little easel that holds my tablet up & I'm always looking at recipes on that on Thanksgiving day.  Welcome to 2018 little chef.

7. Oven baked or deep fried Turkey?
um..... neither.  SAVE THE BIRD!!!!!! SAVE ALL THE ANIMALS!!!!!

Image result for vegetarian save the turkey meme

8. Thanksgiving leftovers? Yes or No?
If its my brother's broccoli cheese casserole? Then yes.... I'm all about a good mac & cheese warmed up too. & totally my pumpkin pies.

9.  What is one household product you are grateful for?
Right now? It's my ice maker on my fridge. Yep - I'm still addicted to crushed ice. I'm scared to death I'm driving it in the ground .I literally fill up those HUGE tumblers of chopped ice like 7 times a day.  Some times it literally just groans as its chopping up the ice. Hang in there baby!

10. Are you most grateful for home cooked meals or restaurant meals?
I have to say, I'm grateful that we can go out to eat - we know that's a luxury that a lot of people aren't able to do & we can easily take for granted.... but I'm also grateful for home cooked meals because when I cook? It is basically a miracle.

Image result for its a miracle gif

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