This week I am Thankful for:
Walk at lunch on a stressful day
We had a few sunny days last week & after some crazy work days, I tend to work through lunch, but took some time to get out & soak up the Vitamin D & walk away some of the stress.
Work off early before Thanksgiving
OK... so I ended up getting off just an hour early - but I'll take it. Especially being at home.
Day Off
My last job, I always had to tuck away an extra vacation day to have Black Friday off... & now, I work at a place that has it off every year. I love that so much.
3 year anniversary
Speaking of my job - I had my 3 year anniversary there. That's gone by fast. It's nothing compared to my 25 years at my previous job... but I'll get there again.
EMT Workers
I'm still just so thankful at the sweet young lady that was just so kind when I found my mom on the floor. She had just a calming personality in her tone & actions. She truly is in the right profession for her talents.
Nurses & Doctors
I know these health care workers are just stretched so thin right now - but the nurse & doctors that called to give me updates & follow up on things with my mom, they all were just informative & didnt make me feel rushed. They all were so helpful.
Christmas everywhere
I'm so excited about our own decorations up & all the lights & beautiful holiday things in our home... but even driving to the store or to my mom's - seeing all the Christmas lights makes me smile. I loathe loathe LOATHE the darkness - especially at to have bursts of beautiful light randomly scattered on the road, gives me all the joy.
What are you Thankful for this week?
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