YIPEE! Wednesday night church starts tonight! After the summer & with school being back on schedule - its time to gather up again during mid-week for more fellowship& learning! I always miss it during the summer - it feels like something is missing when we see each other just once a week. But the summer is coming to an end (already?) & all the fun activies start back up. Cara has so many exciting things planned & ideas for this year with our jr high group - its going to be neat to see how the kids react to it all.
I have to admit - at first I was feeling a tad bit jipped about missing out on the new program of "Round 2" at church. Its picking up on the lesson from Sunday - digging a little deeper & then discussing it. I love hearing discussions - & as Ricky tells me - I usually have a mouth to add things to the topic - so I'm going to miss all that! And, for example, our lesson Sunday was titled "Eight" - I only have 4 points down - the other 4 are going to be talked about tonight! But - YIPEE for technology! I've been told the lessons are going to be available for download. So I guess I get my Wednesday night fun with the kids - & I'll get another lesson in the week listening to the downloads! My week is just going to be full of great learning!
And believe me - I wouldnt trade my time with the jr high group - those kids make me smile more than anything! They're the best - truly a blessing to me! So - here we go with another year!
And guess what? I am off work today....I usually work every Wednesday from 9 am to 9 pm! So, I get to come to church tonight for the first time on a Wednesday. Unfortunately this is a fluke thing, and I still have to work Wednesdays but it will be fun to get to check it out at least once.