Friday, February 06, 2009

Give all for all

This prayer is in a book I'm reading - it is really deep... take the time to read each word....

My friend, let go of yourself & you will find me.
If you wholly give yourself into my hands
& take nothing back
You shall have me.

Some persons surrender themselves to me,
but they hold something back.
They do not trust me fully,
& go on trying to provide for themselves.

Others, at the beginning,
offer all of themselves to me,
but when a difficult time comes,
they put their trust back in themselves.

Such persons will never know perfect peace and freedom of heart.

Give all for all & hold back nothing.

Stand purely & strongly & steadfastly in me
& you shall have me.
You shall be so free in heart & in soul
that darkness shall never have power over you.

Seek always in your heart
to be free of everything that binds you,
that in love you may die to yourself
& to all wordly things
& blessedly live to me.
If you do this
All unimportant questions shall fail & fade & go away.
Crippling fear & misplaced love shall die in you.
You shall live in me & I in you.

-Thomas A. Kempis...."The Imitation of Christ"


  1. that is deep you have to digest it word by word it is a wonderful prayer.

  2. I had to read this two times because I loved it! Thanks for posting it! You go from my crazy posts to peace over here! At least one of us is sane! :) LOL

  3. I loved it and wished I could be the one who gives my self completely ALL the TIME! Lately, I've been getting better and better and letting go and letting God. It's hard for a control freak like me to surrender to myself not to surrender to God.

  4. Thomas A'Kempis is most definitely deep! But oh, the truth!

    I love your blog. Such a testimony.

    Thanks so much for stopping by on my special SITS day!

  5. Thomas a Kempis is one of my favorites. Thank you ...


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