Sunday, April 17, 2011

Project 365... 2011: Week 16

So I have about 250 pictures to edit of the visit of the grandbabies... but here is just a quick glance at the week...

Sunday - April 10 - Playground Adventure .... Julie had a baby shower to go to & she took Lucas with her.  We had Isaac & headed to the local playground.  Does the blue in his eyes just match the playground, or what?

Monday - April 11 - Out the Window... windows hold a world full of adventure for a 15 month old...

Tuesday - April 12 - Playing at the park .... Julie went for a run around the park & what does a little boy need to do while we wait?  Throw rocks into a lake.  It made his brother laugh so hard... pure entertainment for everyone.

Wednesday - April 13 - PHOTO SHOOT DAY .... I have 112 pictures of this shoot to edit... so you only get to see one for the day....

Thursday - April 14 - Riding Lawn Mowers are the BEST with Pappy .... Lucas loved riding the lawn mower with his Pappy.  You could hear him LAUGHING - I'm talking hysterically laughing at the riding... I dont know who had more fun - Pappy or Lucas (can you see him smiling?)

Friday- April 15 - Morning Breakfast... This is how the dogs lay when Luke had his breakfast... ready for any drop of food.  The dogs have to enjoy the visit too, dont they?

Saturday - April 16 - Headed to see Great-grandparents.... We were going skating, but Thunder over Louisville canceled all the skating sessions.  It worked out though because we got to go see Great-Grandparents.  The boys loved Yaya & Papaw... Even Luke was saying "ya ya... ya ya... ya ya" for most of the drive home.  Now I just have to work on him saying "NANNY"!!!!!


  1. Love, love, love these sweet pictures of the grandsons! :) Can't wait to see more of the photo shoot pictures too. Looks like a wonderful week at your house RJ!

  2. Wow! His eyes are so unbelievably blue!

  3. Those are great pictures! and those eyes are ridiculously blue :) I'm with Gretta - bring on the photo shoot!

  4. oh you have had such a wonderful week!!! I have loved seeing all the fun things you have done with your grandbabies!

  5. Looks like you had a fun week! I'll have to pop back over for the pics of the photo shoot.

  6. One picture from the photo shoot? You're such a tease. m.

  7. Girl, I just LOVE all of these pics!!! Those blue

    Hope you have a Blessed day friend,

    PS I laughed at my message sounding like a robot. It might not have been your phone =)

  8. So sweet! I love those blue eyes, wow. Can't wait to see the rest of the photo shoot!

  9. Those have to be two of the CUTEST kids I've ever seen!

  10. Enjoying Words with Friends with you. Loved the pictures of those precious kids.

  11. Looks like you are having a great time with your grand babies. They are so sweet..


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